Uh... did I just get dissed?

Ha, ok so, last night I park my car and go up to the parking meter to get a ticket so i dont get a ticket. Then this guy rolls up in a subaru wrx, not even an STI, rolls down his passenger window, and there is some black dude riding shot gun, then the white guy driving yells out “Hey, is that your 240?” and i go “Uh…yea.” Then hes like “Want a lighter for it?” and im like “Uh…no.” then he rolled up his window and bounced. I’m assuming he was trying to imply that 240s are crap and cheap or something? Or he was offering me a car lighter, bahhahah. What a loser. He doesnt even have a nice car, its not even an STI…fagola… what do you guys think? im assuming car beefs.


Pun intended.

i would say hes mostly mad cuz he couldn’t afford the sti!! and for the simple fact that he just doesn’t get the same attention he thought he would and that we do! when a non sti drives down the road its just another subaru but when you see the sleek sexy curves of a 240 driving by you with those damn sick pop up headlights, its just natural instinct to turn your head and get that second glance before its to late and it drives off in to the sunset!!

he said “Want a lighter” because he thought you wanted to set your car on fire.

i just figured it out!!! he said you want a lighter because he knows of the common s13 cigarette lighter problem!!! where the whole thing just comes out or most of us don’t even have one!!! … what a dick!

who cares. get on with life.

So I guess Subaru owners are elitist dicks then? Nah. Still, dude’s an asshole.

Both you and the Subaru driver should grow up.

Need a kick panel?

Comments like this show no greater maturity.

Just thought I’d throw that in there =)

He noticed you, but had to do something stupid in order to get you to notice him.

Calling the guy a fagola and a loser for not having an sti is what GTS was probably referring to.

I’d take a wrx over a 240 any day… but then i’d sell it and use the money to get a 240 and money left over.

…Feel good in the fact he pays more for insurance…

My point was let the guy make his post, if you don’t agree with it don’t fuel anything. Nothing against GTS, just a lot of posts on SON get shit on and turn into a pile of garbage over comments like that.

yea i understand, if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all type thing.

but then son would be no fun and fobwall would be a wreck

OWNEDDDD. hey want a zippo for that? lol its a better deal

If it doesn’t come with lighter fluid season, its a total rip off.

WOW someone is in love.lol

240s are no better than WRXs… I wouldn’t try to diss the guy based on the fact that he was driving a WRX. Keep in mind that you are obviously biased towards your 240 being better since you own one…

Most 240 owners seem to be in their own world because they think they are better than everyone else. (But it’s RWD! Ya. That doesn’t mean shit.)

Maybe he was telling you to lighten up?

I’d take an STI WRX over my 240 any day lmao