uh-oh.. i hope they dont bring this technology to Ontario


brilliant, but can only be used for evil

how do you figure??

only for evil? wtf crack are you smoking!

it’s an amazing tool for recovering stolen vehicles

That is some scary shit, what about the cars behind them?

obvioulsy i was being mildly sarcastic…

however… it wont help you find any stolen vehicles worth finding.

if anyone steals your car for the car or its parts they certainly wont be driving it and if so they certianly wont be using your plates and if they drove your car away they would have it in the chop-shop before you could call the car in stolen and have it turn up on one of these sensors.

its more useful in BCwhere ANY piece of shit is stolen and used for transportation by crackheads and the like…

but i do see your point.

man, this shits so gay

use money to do something important, like educate people on how to drive properly so that there are less accidents and insurance rates can go down for everyone

wait… thatw ouldnt make more money for hte police OR the insurance companies!! well! we cant be doing that now can we.

My 91 rusted out 4 door automatic rusted out Mercury Topaz was stolen last summer…

there are 2 york cars equiped with this system for testing already.


this is old i think

when i used to do parking law enforcement, i’ve seen car that specifically have radars all over the top of the car. they are made just to find stolen cars and do nothing else but drive around.

maybe this is just easier technology that can do it a lot faster, but the idea has been here for a while now.

yea I used to see these guys rolling around all the time last summer…nothing new

it actually is a new technology and is not equiped in almost any cars.

the ones im sure you saw were test beds.

there are a number of interesting changes that are going on in southern ontario law enforcement in the next few years.

iuno if any of you caught the toronto star this morning but it appears the opp with be going back to the classic black and white interceptors and they are going to be more regularly enforcing traffic laws as opposed to doing “blitz’s”

itll be interesting to see how things go… it also appears our friendly kuckle head PR guy for the opp; cam wolley is getting taken down a peg or two through some underhanded wording and behind the back manuevers from fantino the commish of the OPP.

also… if yyou look at the top of MOST current interceptors, they all have 2 beacons on the top of the car.


yea, lots of rotted cars will finally be pulled off the road as they should be.

But now things like tints will get you pulled over more often :S

I watched the news last night… like GT sid , tons of changes are coming


i really don’t like the black…oh wellity

that device is nuts! i love it!

device is good, for stolen cars and the whole bit, but as far as traffic enforcement, i think the police should be punished for their treatment with people rather then given more shyt to mess us over with.

I can’t wait for some poor soccer mom’s License plate to get scanned but mis-read and identified with the plate from a bank robber/murderer that the cops are looking for…

I DO however like the idea that they are looking for people without insurance.
Those people are scum. (i.e. spd-dmn)


Meet me in the dark alley at midnight with a suitcase full of loonies and we’ll talk.