UHP tasers speeding driver over ticket...

Yet again your answer for people breaking the law who want to ignore authority is “let them”.


man i just watched the video for the first time… it’s hilarious.

the kid is a clean cut, blonde christian kid who can barely swear…

yeah better tase him, he is a real threat to the officers health. He’s got his girlfriend there too… watch out the officer is in huge danger.

i know 90% of the guys on this forum are just like this kid and would react the exact same way in that situation.

Let me know how it feels when you get tased.

or better yet JayS… lets launch a 2 pronged attack and deport all the blonde haired blue eyed kids who travel 5mph over the speed limit… all 30 million of them…hahah

and for the record, my history with police officers is that more than a year after getting serious traffic infractions i call them up at their office and they remember how mature i was about the situation and they go to bat for me in court, half charges dropped, others reduced, so relax on the authority figure problem.

talk to cops like your talking to your deeply religious, very old fashioned grandfather whos visiting from “the old country” and youll get away with almost anything

talk to cops like they are a bum thats taking a shit on your front porch and you get pw3nd



the kid is a clean cut, blonde christian kid who can barely swear…

yeah better tase him, he is a real threat to the officers health. He’s got his girlfriend there too… watch out the officer is in huge danger.


If only every cop had your omnipotence.

Either that or your racism. I guess the police should only be concerned of dangerous minorities?


That is one kill for the taser in 2007 and Zero kills for marijauna… and i dont get down with mary jane either. Let’s outlaw one of them… ok, the one that hasnt killed anyone this year.


This is now the most ignorant post of yours that I’ve seen this year.

Teh guy didnt have to taser him. You let the guy run, you have all his info, you knock on his door with a warrant and 4 more officers… speeding, resisting, fleeing scene, etc. etc.
two points:
Now it is acceptible for someone to flee & resist arrest?


You now want to creat more work for more police officers? Seems a bit of a paradox. I could swear there have been recent posts of your where you opine that “don’t cops have anything better to do” like catch real criminals…



Obviously this is from one of those states where you have to sign the ticket.


For reference sakes, the ticket is a court summons in lieu of arrest. If you refuse to sign it, you get the arrest.

yeah…its not always the usual suspect that creates the crime…and regardless the cop said I"M GOING TO TAZE YOU".

In my opinion, dumb people deserve to be tazed.

If everyone had the attitude that the cop isn’t the authority, you’re going to have chaos…then you will really see beatings.

Well, Heres a way to make someone feel like a real dick

“SAN ANGELO, Texas — A man who doused himself with gasoline then caught on fire after police fired a Taser stun gun at him died from his injuries Tuesday, a hospital spokeswoman said.”



wtf is with all this taser bullshit in north america recently?

people are being unnecessarily tased all over the place.

maybe if you reduced the resources the police officer has to subdue people then the police would become better at SOLVING problems instead of risking severe personal harm to the subject who is quite obviously not always in the the wrong.


agreed 100%

Tasers were issued to subdue unruly suspects and protect the officers from bodily harm… not to fucking shoot people every time they dont listen to a stupid fucking cop. Idiotic.

Cops alone in the middle of nowhere ? aww boo fucking hoo, hes got a FUCKING GUN.

Some of these threads are retarded. The kid was disobedient and after the cop had to get him out of the car, he refused to put his hands behind his back and turn around. Instead he decided to reach into his pocket for who knows what? If the hand wouldn’t have gone into the pocket, then the cop was ridiculous, but it did.

If I were the cop, I’d taze everyone who may think about having a gun or weapon.

I dont understand why he had to sign the ticket. Is that an admission of guilt? It was hard to hear but I didn’t hear any explaination of his rights about the signiature. If it was presented clearly - “sign this or be arrested” Im pretty sure he would have signed it.

Thats what happens when you fuck with a cop… bet the guy doesn’t do that again. :nono: The side of the road is no place to argue, thats what court is for. The tools that do that shit are only making their situation worse. Stupid people amaze me

Tasers were issued to subdue unruly suspects and protect the officers from bodily harm… not to fucking shoot people every time they dont listen to a stupid fucking cop. Idiotic.

Cops alone in the middle of nowhere ? aww boo fucking hoo, hes got a FUCKING GUN.

no shit, he should of shot him instead or taken a chance to see where the guy was going :bloated:. Who’s to say that he wasn’t going to run and put how many lives at risk, or pull a weapon and risk the cops life. Sounds like a reason you listed to use a tazer


I dont understand why he had to sign the ticket. Is that an admission of guilt? It was hard to hear but I didn’t hear any explaination of his rights about the signiature. If it was presented clearly - “sign this or be arrested” Im pretty sure he would have signed it.


in some areas (not sure if it’s county or state level) when you get issued a ticket, you have to sign it. It’s not an admission of guilt, pretty much like a receipt I guess.


For reference sakes, the ticket is a court summons in lieu of arrest. If you refuse to sign it, you get the arrest.


I realize that, but in this case he officer told him he had to SIGN it. I’ve seen that in other police chase videos too. But in NY you don’t have to sign anything, you just take the ticket.

Taser = answer to any dispute, im gonna go and buy me one too

I want all cops to have tazers. I’d rather be tazed by a dumb cop than shot. Any day of the week. Without a tazer in that situation, what would the cop have done? Let him get away? Beat him with his baton? Pepper spray? Shoot him? I’d still rather be tazed (especially over pepper spray).

I will not comment on whether he should have used the tazer in that situation or not. However, I think it is the best use of force the police have at their disposal.


agreed 100%

Tasers were issued to subdue unruly suspects and protect the officers from bodily harm… not to fucking shoot people every time they dont listen to a stupid fucking cop. Idiotic.

Cops alone in the middle of nowhere ? aww boo fucking hoo, hes got a FUCKING GUN.



the kid is reaching in his pocket with 2 fingers, probably putting his license back… at worst he has a pocket knife and is about to challenge the officer to a duel

i’m sure the ticket stands whether the guy signs it or not. And if it doesnt, i am certain there is a procedure for how to deal with it. I’d stake my life on it that in the officer’s procedure manual the following does not appear:

  • In event offender declines to sign ticket -

A. Tase the fuck out of him
B. Tase the fucker
C. Break out your taser and show the non-violent offender who is boss
E. Be reasonable, explain that the ticket stands anyways and that not signing it results in a second charge. Both of which are likely to stand in court. Or tase him instead.


If only every cop had your omnipotence.

Either that or your racism. I guess the police should only be concerned of dangerous minorities?


yeah… i’m a huge racist… wtf is your problem dude. The internet… fuck yeah



the kid is reaching in his pocket with 2 fingers, probably putting his license back… at worst he has a pocket knife and is about to challenge the officer to a duel

i’m sure the ticket stands whether the guy signs it or not. And if it doesnt, i am certain there is a procedure for how to deal with it. I’d stake my life on it that in the officer’s procedure manual the following does not appear:

  • In event offender declines to sign ticket -

A. Tase the fuck out of him
B. Tase the fucker
C. Break out your taser and show the non-violent offender who is boss
E. Be reasonable, explain that the ticket stands anyways and that not signing it results in a second charge. Both of which are likely to stand in court. Or tase him instead.

yeah… i’m a huge racist… wtf is your problem dude. The internet… fuck yeah


LOL, liberal canadian… jk

Im at a bind for my opinion… I just know the guy should NOT have reached into his pocket for any reason… thats the golden rule.

Out there in the middle of nowhere, I dont blame the cop for being protective of himself… but he was being a dick


yeah… i’m a huge racist… wtf is your problem dude. The internet… fuck yeah


:lol: Well, you flat out said, “Why should the cop be afraid of him, he’s just some blonde white guy”. It’s pretty clear what you’re implying; that minorities are the ones the cops should be afraid of. It’s ok, we understand that you’re Canadian and don’t see that many black people so they seems scary to you. J/K :wink:

First off, Who’s the mother fucking boss son?

Tase Tase Zap Zap

I am bitch…

Cops should only be afraid of black people they are the only ones that break the law, duh.


Cops are dicks all the time…period…

It did sound like he was going 60 something in a 40 work zone though…
but I do believe that the cop could have acted in a better manor… oh well, I guess if a cop tells you to blow him, you better do it with a smile.


There are specific references to tasering (-17:35 is the first), including of a young man in florida, maybe the guy in the video here?

JayS, i will paypal you $1 as a token if you watch this interview… even if you disagree with it. I am sure you will disagree in fact.