Ultimate Rice? You be the judge...

Dont know if this is a re-post or not, but its quite funny and disturbing, Rice to the Max!..




i thought it was a rear wheel drive car at the first picture…
the guy who did this should be hung and beaten…

This really makes no sence why its not FR,…Epic Fail…


wtf? as soon as i saw the first pic i was thinking “he damn well better have converted that to rwd…”

It says Fast and Furious on his rear quarter window… I’d bet that he’s everything BUT that…


That is Extreme rice! he should of baught a gay mustang and do all that crap to it, instead of a celica… :frowning:

this hurts my heart

That motor could not even turn those wheels.

Pathetic fail!


i thought that motor looks transverse in the first photo

I thought it was a cartoon?

Seriously… With rear tires that huge and front tires that small, my deadbeat SOHC KA could probably take it :wink:

The absolute ignorance of some people is astonishing. The simple fact that no one stopped this person from doing stupid things leaves them in partial blame for this abomination.

I wonder if his floor pan will drop off when there’s a danger to the manifold.

Seriously WTF is with the tripple pod intake on dryer tubing doing ? there’s no way that will have any effect on anything other than to restrict airflow as the vent on the hood is facing the other FUCKING DIRECTION.

Eugenics +1 This person needs to be sterlized to prevent any offspring.

Oh and AFIK FWD drager’s tend to have the fats up front and the skinnies out back… you know traction and all that. NOS-ing it wit a pair of 14" 3" wide pos whatevers up front is really going to make use of all 13 hampsters that are under the hood.