Um, I CAN'T DRIVE! (Make fun of Dawn content inside.)

I keep stalling the Bimmer! I don’t know what to do. I guess I’m just not used to it yet, seeing that I’ve only had it on the road 2 days. The Audi had a really high clutch, and was so easy to drive. The Bimmer clutch is all new and shit and really sensitive.

So, if you see me, and I’m sitting at a green light, trying to move, you can honk and make fun of me all you want.

I suck. :frowning:

This is so frustrating!

Seriously though, is there a trick or something? I mean, for the most part I can drive without burning up the clutch, but sometimes I get retarded.

Just slip it and do burnouts everywhere.

just take your time, its all the same concept lol.

just drive it like you stole it

clutch drops make everyone look like they can drive an MTX

give it to me for 5 dollars and i will make sure its right…if its not I will keep the car and save you from further embarassment

Hers is just an MT, transaXle not found :stuck_out_tongue:

sorry …to much time spent on fwd forums

Just practice, you’ll have it down in 2 weeks.

You need to feel the engagement point on the clutch pedal, and just be smoother with feeding in the throttle as you let the clutch out. reGive it a little more throttle than you are now (JUST A TAD).


sorry …to much time spent on fwd forums


i was thinking the same thing.

but seriosly. you’ll be ok. i stalled a saab twice at work before i got it going this one time. and i’ve driven plenty of different cars. tricky little clutch.

try this, slowly let the clutch out and let the car get rolling allitle before even hittin the gas, its slow, but you’ll save your clutch and you wont stall or jump the car trying to do it to fast.

Rev to redline.

Drop clutch.

With left foot stab brakes while keeping throttle pinned.

Apply more/less brakes as needed.

Perfect launch.

You just ease the clutch in and then ease it out real nice n slow, dont jerk it to fast either…

…thats all my pervert talk Im done.

+1 for massive burnouts

At least you didn’t stall trying to launch at an autox :blush:

It wasn’t my car… but I hadn’t stalled it at any other point except for that. I was so embaressed.

Find a lot, practice getting the car going using the clutch only no throttle. Should give you a good feel of the clutch once you do it successfully a few times.

Audi clutches are quite weird with the high engagement points, after driving Minglor’s A4 I found I could no longer drive my Subaru properly for a few hours after getting back into it.

Wait, you have a bimmer?

+1 for find a place to just feel the clutch a bunch of times. When in doubt just keep the revs up and pay attention only to eeeaaasing the clutch through the ENTIRE travel of the pedal.

Just watch your RPM’s…don’t let it go under 1k…everytime you take off…just watch your limiter for a while until you get the feeling down of the different clutch…you will be fine. Hills must be fun for you right now LOL

do u need lessons on driving a stick?!?!?! lol

as you let the clutch out there will be a point where it will get very sensitive and really start to grab.
Slow down or stop letting it out before that point and add more throttle rate then before…
continue letting clutch out very slowly while adding gas pretty quickly