Unaccurate Gas Gauge...:S

When i fill my tank up…it settles just above 3/4 of a tank…It seems to chill there for a day or two before i see it move(not 110% on this…i dont always have so much money to fill my tank) Now lets say im at 1/4 tank left when i hop in the car…The second i start the car it starts dropping quick…It drops nearly 1/4 and i dont know what to go by…i dont want to run out of gas. Tonight it was sitting just below 1/4 tank before i started it…then it dropped right on the empty mark…a little later the gas light came on i figured its not worth testing how low this will go and if theres really 1/4 more in my tank than i think…i filled up and it took 60L almost exact. I should go by what the gauge says when the cars been running for a bit correct? As for fixing the problem could it be the gauge itself or the float in my tank possibly the linkage. Im convinced somethings stopping it from moving all the way up.

     On a second note this all started when i messed around with the gauges and painted the needles red to show another member it can be done and made more "Modern"....but i was sure to move the needle back to exactly where it was....the spedo tach and temp you could play around with all you want and they go back automaticly.

dude its innacurate… sorry i just had to say that… i dono i think it mite be shorting out somewhere ?

The empty tank light did come on…Im pretty sure theres a wire back there for that indicator…Meaning that yes I sure was on a empty tank and that the gauge is accurate only after the car has been running…but when i park the car it goes up nearly 1/4 of a tank…and i am parking on flat surfaces.

kinda weird, the other day i drove around my needel went below empty and i still kept goin felt like a lil honda and the light never came on i was woundering wtf the deal is with that light seeing how it was 2-3mill under the e sign lOL

^^^^^^^^^Theres a good chance the light doesnt work. I was lucky and got mine working when i changed my fuel sending unit.

yeah I’ve had a couple S-chassis and it seems the floats can be random. My first held $10 @ $0.50 below empty. my current one holds $5 now below empty.

I rather have a guage (fuel) show llow than high.