update on the turbo SHO

spring? its still out. I just got back from ohio at 1:30am this morning after a 1200 mile drive. I went there to visit my family, and to check out the only other turbo ATX in the world (currently has a blown tranny go figure) and to check out the budget project to end all budget projects. he is running a 16G on his 3.0 SHO and whn I asked him what wastegate he was using he said oh i leave it disconnected. it only builds 14psi anyway. he is using a FMU stock plugs and controlls knock by changing his gas. he is currently running 87 octang and moniters knock by listening for it… but it runs and he can burn first and second gear with no turbo lag… it was a fun trip. i’m going to PA tomorrow for a taurus car club meet. I love it when my car runs good.

Anyone know what’s going on with that?

Isn’t there another Taurus around that you need to settle a score with first? :snky:

I can’t believe that old engine is holding together as well as it has. :tup:

musta been built on a wednesday

yes dont worry i dident forget about you.

somedude, check ur PM.

The Russian, I just noticed ur avitar location was Greece. I was in that area tonight. Picked up 2 Nick T. garbage plates and swung out to some street that sounded similiar to “foreskin”.

…Im bored

My ears are still ringing from our last run. We need a cannon to start our rolls next time. :poke:

13005TEDGP, Nick T’s is in gates on lyell, im a bit north of that. Past 104. If your out in the area again and im free, we can meet somewhere. If not swing by famous daves on 104 right off the 390 and ill be at work.

that wasnt an exhaust leak, that was the total lack of an exhaust, lol

car is MUUUCH quiter now

Start races with a starter pistol, or 12 guage blank.

HRK…check this out, SHO @160MPH


i think thats toolmans car, alex would know for sure

theres a few sho’s out there that have AMAZING top end power …

Well it probably already sets the record for worlds heaviest SHO. :slight_smile:

haha, you responded before i edited


yeah that is his old setup back when he was on a stock 3.2 engine, now he has cams, headwork pistons, and shotpien rods and dynos just short of 600whp if memory serves correctly.

right now the worlds fastest SHO is around 18Xmph (radar confirmed at the salt flats in AZ) he dynoed at 636whp on a stock block and stock crank. he said the car was still pulling hard but ran out of balls. “that is fast… I don’t care who you are thats fast and lets face it the taurus wasn’t designed for 200mph pulls so I don’t know/want to find out what it will do.” or something to that affect. he also recently melted 3 pistons because he was running a 100% duty cycle on his injectors and decided to up the boost a bunch… “oops i’ll build another one… I like this engine”

Isn’t there another Taurus around that you need to settle a score with first? :snky:

no I can’t think of any other fast SHO’s in the area… rofl just kidding of course i’ll run you.

that ain’t no joke… now if only i could get a hold of some of thsoe alum sable bady parts… hmmmm 2500lb taurus.

AIV sable, good luck finding one of those at a price you can afford.


had to google it :slight_smile:

wow finding 1 out of 400 ever made, and just to use the body panels from it. hahahaha