updated 10/20:not the best way to wake up...

Living at home is great. Id rather save money for a house then rent.Plus i have a garage all to myself.I would never be able to find an apartment with a garage in it for cheap.
Once you get into your mid 20’s you better not living with mom and dad though

this thread is destined for greatness.

I mean… wow, I think Cuban would be proud.

you can has hooked on phonix?

whats with all the cuban references lately? he was before my time on here, but i know he got banned for reasons…

  1. Scammer
  2. Talks alot of shit difference was noone liked him so he was banned.(well deserved and disliked for legitimate reasons)
  3. Made multiple user names and is a pathological liar

<<-----Cuban :picard: 'ing himself

OT Tyler when is your court date?

All the fucking retard shit the OP has done and you guys are upset he lives at home? Seriously? You could write a book about how to be an epic fail by going through his posts but saving some money while being at school is the one that bothers everyone?

You’ve all set sail on the fail boat. Have a nice cruise, I’m out of here.

I was gonna say something along these lines…

Of all things to flame on someone for, people on here are bitching that he is living at home, at 20 years old, to save money and have more cash to play around with. Wtf?? If you got a good thing going on at home, why the fuck wouldn’t you stay when you go to school locally. Also, he does professional snow-x so i’m sure that plays a part in him staying in the area and at home.

but tyler, you do post alot of cop stories. <3 haha

Did we ever find out what happened to dickwad? I didn’t sift through all the drama.


it’s in the original post.

lol. smarten up tyler… if you lose your license, life will suck… be safe out there.

aw man i love love love it when walter shits all over people with that good goodness

haha thats awsome

Its more or less the decisions that he makes when living at home, living at home to save money till you get out of college, great, living at home so you can afford a new car/bike and do stupid shit is retarded.

you really do hate your life for being so retarded, huh. Apparently your family is also trashy and poor. Wow it really sucks to be you.

no one has any control over what kind of family they came from

i see this firsthand on a daily basis and if steve came from a difficult situation, good for him

what a shit post. christ. i’ve seen significantly better from you, man.

I’m 23 and I still live at home. I’m not in college right now either. I just can’t afford to move out yet. Flame on idc. living home and paying 1/2 the rent I would for an appartment and still being able to do w/e the fuck I want > paying for a shitty place and not having the money to do shit.

Wait, this does not add up. First you say you didn’t register it, then you say a cop tracks you down at home by getting your plate number.

^^^Maybe an old bike he had? just used the plate off of it.

he’s had a few bikes in the past, prob just a dif plate on a dif bike

anyways tyler, let me know if you want to cruise some time, iv got alot of free time on my hands, what did you end up buying

If you say so…