updated 10/20:not the best way to wake up...

The latter statement single-handled disproves the former statement.

Paying for rent is not “throwing away money.” Paying for as many tickets as you do per month, and I’m sure your insurance costs, is throwing away money.

I’m saying this to be constructive… you really need to grow up and look at your behavior, and your justification for said behavior, before you really get yourself screwed.

^^at least i dont feel stupid now, seriously im younger than this kid and i cleaned my shit up real quick. it reallys hits you when the state and city of buffalo start taking money out of your pocket, but with this kid, i have a feeling his parents tend to bail him out.

ummmmm GO FUCK YOURSELF. faggot fucking asshole. you don’t even know me or any of my situations. DIAF.

:cry: It’s not my fault you constantly make stupid decisions.

23 years old? GROW THE FUCK UP. I never once asked for your fucking pity or anyone else. Big deal I have a lot of fucking problems, you have the whole story covered though so you must be completely right. You’re pathetic.:ham:

EDIT: So an ACCIDENT is a stupid decision? Yes it was completely my fault and I owned up. I never asked for sympathy, I thanked people for coming to make sure I was alright. So what if I wanted a bike? I can more than afford it, I can more than afford to build another car too. Just because my bimmer was a surprise rotbox half way through and I didn’t wanna spend the money to finish it doesn’t make me stupid.

I’m basing this off of stuff before you accident, everyone makes mistakes. You just happen to make a lot of dumb ones.

Big deal. I’m 18…you can’t really expect much better. I try to have nice things, and do it all at once. Of course it doesn’t work all the time, but I work my ass off to try and make things happen. I guess because of that it makes it a little better, but I can see where you’re coming from for sure.

um not quite, but think what you want.
My parents put a roof over my head, that’s all I ask.

and, silver. Bad rider =/ dumb decision.

Just because I made a dumb move doesn’t mean I am a bad rider at all. But again, think what you want, because it will make YOU feel better

lol what makes me feel better is waking up to my alarm clock, not my mother telling me theres a sheriff at my kitchen table. nice try though bud.

Uh, bad rider does equal dumb decisions. But my point was the other way around.

It’s the fact that you made a CONSCIOUS decision to make a DUMB move, and the fact that you don’t understand the connection, that makes you a bad rider.

What makes me feel better is that you are driving around Buffalo, and not Rochester.

there is nothing wrong with living with your parents through college. I do the same. would I love to move out? sure but im being responsible now so I can enjoy having my own place later with little to no debt and a nest egg waiting in the wings

Don’t let em get ya down, I also lived with my parents while I was at college, it only made sense.

Not having student loans is a nice thing to graduate with as well.

Sucks about all those tickets, I am sure it’ll get dropped and only be a couple hundo in fines… doh.

I wish I would have stay at home to be honest.
Think about it, most parents charge little to no rent.
So you pay YOUR bills and that little bit or rent/food.
Now your money stock piles and stock piles.
I wish I would have done it that way.

my point exactly, i get along great with my parents. I help out a lot around my house. I plan on moving out as soon as I graduate…
It would be dumb for me to move out now as I’m never home in the winter… so I’d be paying for an apartment that I live in 9 months out of the year…

also, I cannot believe the amount of pussies on this forum. fuck, live a little.

yea i know lots of people tell me that i should live at home for as long as you can. i plan on moving out soon but i do get that a lot from people

umm stfu

impala stfu, walter drive into a tree…

If you can live at home and it’s not an un-enjoyable experience in order to focus more on school, then yes spending money on rent would be a fucking waste so good for you :tup:

I moved out when I was 18, it was more of an I had to because of other issues. If I had the choice, I absolutely would have lived for free and because you do save some money. Just stop running into the cops so fucking much…

This is the saddest thread I’ve read in a while. Since when does not living at home mean that you are going to end up with greater school loans? If you were so concerned with finances, it would seem you’d do smarter things with your money than buy a brand new car and motorcycle and run up plenty of tickets (and higher insurance rates). But oh yea, “live a little”. I’m fairly sure going to a better school has left me with far more income (and income potential) than the paltry sum of student loans that I amassed by not going to a school because it was near home. Lets not even get in to the fact that my student loans were deferred until after graduation, oh, and the interest is (well was) tax deductible.

Genius there kiddo… pure unadulterated genius.

LOL Same here. Going on 6 years of being on my own.

These Stories rock, I’m glad I’m not a complete idiot

Man some of you guys are such assholes. OP you need to look at getting a bicycle haha i think it may be your best bet.

CAN we at least get back on track here… I wanna know why there was a cop in your kitchen. This thread fails…finish the story or mods :lockd: this shit up