updated 10/20:not the best way to wake up...

about waking up early in the morning, nothing to do with your thread, i just woke up my parents from startin my bike in a closed garage because i was bored, and the garage is 15 feet away from my house, and all their doors are closed, and now im on NYSpeed cause i dont wanna go back to bed

Should I even respond to this? Me moving out had nothing to do with my family(they are all fucking awesome actually), it was more that they tried to stop something they thought was wrong from happening(girl situation). I decided instead of fighting with them since it was their house and their rules and I disagreed with them however I respected them. (I was staying at her house almost every night, they asked to either start coming home sometimes or I had to make a decision)So it was best for me to move out on my own therefore I could make my own choices. I have no regrets…

Honestly, I couldn’t ask for a better life but thanks for playing.
Sorry to go OT…
Someone tell me where it says to be a man you need to move out when your 18?
Impala i’m sorry your dick is so small =/

I would have pulled a shaggy.

I’m not saying living at home is the issue, his argument as to why he lived at home was / is fucking worthless.


We would flame if you had two new vehicles that you didn’t need, and constantly posted about how big a failure you were at life, and then tried to defend living at home by saying that you were doing it to keep yourself from having student loans.

:lol: You people need to go play outside more. Who cares if someone sucks at life? It just lowers the curve so that those of us who don’t suck are that much more awesome! :headbang:

I’m going back to my awesome landscaping now at my awesome house while my awesome wife is getting ready for her awesome photoshoot. I love being awesome! :pimp:

^ newds?

Sandstorm homie. I am stayin inside today. OT-VOLVO S60 R=HOT maybe i will make a thread.

Ive been telling you this for how long???:ham::ham:

It was you that told me of them wasn’t it. I just looked them up on autotrader and they are freaking sweet and at great prices. I thought they were more $$$. Ok bed time for me.

but you caught me on springville boston… (wasn’t me)

but you caught me on radar (wasn’t me)

you even got my plateeee numbbaa (wasn’t me)

god, 66 impala is such a douche bag.

Good fucking job, you bought a used m3 and thing you are the fucking shit.
How old are you? Fucking 40? If i was 40 years old I’d be sittin on the beach or on my boat, not arguing with a 20 yr old who will probably take your job some day you POS.

Oh yeah, I bought the bike on a monday, Didn’t feel like going and standing in line at the DMV on a beautiful day, I already had my plate for my r6, the reg. was just up on it… So i slapped it on and cruised it for a day, just happened to come face to face with MR. lawman

I’ll let you guys know when my court date is and how I make out.

Student loans = few thousands $

my average court going= $75. I know how to suck up and be very polite to the judge.

oh yeah, big failure /= getting speeding tickets FYI

you just suck overall or are really jealous that I get along with my parents and get to stay at home while I save up money for a downpayment on a house.

Uhm, I am 24, Just paid off the M3, looking at a house right now and hope to be in it by the fall, oh I lived about 700 miles aways from my parents home through college, and my student loans are almost nonexistent.

I doubt you would take my job some day, just like I doubt you will ever amount to anything with how you are acting right now. Yes I am a POS because I made something of myself instead of doing dumb shit while living in my parents house till the age of 20. You suck at life, you fail at common sense and you are a complete waste of flesh.

same way here, no loans ftw

dayyuumm…ever think of becoming an actor?

mom’s calling

lunch is ready

^ :mamoru:

HAHA you guys are rough. Tyler is a good kid, he just decided to make all of nyspeed aware of every single ticket he gets. Live and learn i guess…

Flaming people for their living situations is stupid. If you have it made at home, why not stay? His family is awesome and he probably has it made, so who is anyone to say he’s a moron for doing what he does? I agree with many people about owning new cars/bikes and living at home isn’t the greatest idea for MOST people, but if he’s happy then wtf is wrong with that. I would (and am) rather live on my own than have a brand new vehicle, but thats to each his own.

Tyler, register your shit and stop getting in trouble (pot calling the kettle black)


Okay. But, here is the part that I don’t get: why bother continually coming here to post about your tickets unless you want the attention?

Obviously there is going to be feedback & opinions, and apparently (from all the prior threads) they are going to be negative.

I guess any press is good press?
