updated 10/20:not the best way to wake up...

This just sounds boring, not successful.

ease up kids, tylers an alright kid, just doesnt think things through as much as he should sometimes haha…

dudes been in the xgames for christ sake cmon!!

This thread, as a whole, fails harder than Cuban.

Seriously. I would rather meet and hang out with Cuban than have this conversation in person.


Okay. I’m not defending that portion of this thread. In one of his other threads I said he needs to stop making a thread for every ticket he gets, it’s getting old and he should expect the flaming for it due to his continuous thread making.

Im defending the part of his choice to live at home and everyone flaming him for that.

Tyler > cuban. This makes no sense whatsoever. I highly doubt what you just said.

^ Fry doesn’t know all of the Cuban glory.

and, to your post above that - ahh… well thats another discussion, that I’m trying to stay out of. lol.

I sincerely hope your being sarcastic. :shrug:

I triple dog dare you to do this.

Uh, no? he was…

I don’t mean about being in the xgames, thats great & all.

I mean about cutting the kid some slack because of it. :mamoru:

ah, lol, gotcha

Edit- how come your lil green light is never on you :snky: bastard. Always throws me off lol

shit, i thought i had you Ignored for this nonsense

:lol: Aight, I’ll explain quick.

Yeah Tyler seems like a decent guy. He really does. If/when I meet him I would absolutely buy him a beer and shoot the shit with him. Some of his decisions seem questionable, but fuck so do a bunch of my own. Nobody makes “purely” logical decisions.

Cuban? I’ve never met him. He seems like a compulsive liar looking for acceptance, but he gets social behavior type of stuff. So I wouldn’t mind having a conversation with him, so long as it’s about the weather, the economy, politics. You know bullshit that everyone has an opinion on and opinions are like assholes…

This thread. Fucking terrible. Everyone and their brother sees the chance to come in and cut Tyler down for making decisions that they wouldn’t make. Then Tyler comes in to try and use logic to defend his decisions that defy logic.

But that brings me back to people making their decisions and then justifying them with logic. Everyone’s OK deep down. Cuban needs acceptance. Tyler needs attention. Within their own circumstances their decisions make sense.

Me? I need some food. I also smell like ass after landscaping all day. I’m going to grab a shower and head to mighty. If anyone’s there I’ll stop and say hi!


It was meant to criticize the idea of having one’s life figured out by the quarter life mark (particularly that scenario not being interesting for everyone). I didn’t mean to imply that owning a lot of shit is boring.

edit: Anyway, the whole point was to list what he owned and say, “oh look what I did! It’s terrific!” Well, that’s good for him, but not for everybody. Shrug.

He who dies with the most stuff wins?

if only you put that much thought into… well, anything not NYSpeed related.



I like turtles?

I thought that was one hell of a way to get woken up actually! Good story man!!

fixed :wink:

You come on here talking shit while knowing NOTHING about anyone other than we are all a member of NYspeed…
Honestly every time you post it shows how much you hate your life and be the “one up guy” to compensate for something else…

Have you ever had a speeding ticket? Has your car always been 100% legal? The difference is either A. You were lucky and did not get caught or B. You decided not to post it on a forum. The difference is you actually worry about what other people think.

Once again good luck with all this this Tyler.

LOL, What does not posting about you getting a ticket makes you a pussy? It just seems a little umm… obvious that on a car forum people are going to get tickets. So why bother even posting about it, its the same shit different town.