updated 10/20:not the best way to wake up...

if you were not arrested then you are a pussy and this thread has aids

:lol: I do. That’s why I’m not a total failure, just a loveable fuckup. :smiley:

^ Best reply yet


The best part is… my first post was a joke


To everyone backing me up :tup:

Also: If I made a thread about each one of my tickets, I’d make 35 threads.
I just post the good/questionable ones up in off topic, simply to give people something to read.

This is an automotive forum, getting tickets is being part of being a car enthusiast. Do I agree that this said officer had WAY too much time on his hands to track me down? Yes. But that is my own opinion…

as for the insults directed towards me about my living situation? get a fucking life. :thankyou:

i got a ticket last night.

loud exhaust. Apparently there was a cop behind me as i WOT open dump flat shifted under the 290 on Sheridan.

What i didn’t get tickets for:
Imprudent Speed
Unsafe start
Inadequate headlights
2 year old inspection
No front plate.

CTN: Good evening, Officer!
CTN: I’m actually not sure what you saw me do…
COP1: Your car is obnoxiously loud. What the fuck is wrong with you.
CTN: Sorry man, just love that dump under the bridge.
COP1: What the fuck is wrong with you? WHY ARE YOU SO GOOFY. ARE YOU ON DRUGS!
CTN: No, Sir. I’m just a happy guy.

COP2: (younger dude): What kind of exhaust you got on here? Apexii? Greddy? Type-R?
CTN: It’s a JIC, actually.
COP2: Oh, sounded like a Greddy.



CTN FAILS/ What age did you move out? You are such a loser. How much debt do you have? How large is your weiner? If you are wondering i moved out at 11 have 14 PHD’s $+1,000,000 and i wont mention penis size because it would hurt feelings.


I think a lot of the problem is Tyler’s demeanor. I know him, and he’s a cool dude, but he comes across as dismissive and sarcastic.

When the cop walked up to my car, he was PISSED… all yelling and shit. By the end of the stop, he was friendly and told me to have a nice day, drive safe. I thanked him for only giving me an exhaust ticket, and he was on his way. I try to be overtly friendly, because i think it disarms the officer substantially.

[09:12] zong: lol
[09:12] zong: good cop bad cop
[09:15] sprocketbash411: lol
[09:15] sprocketbash411: bad cop, ricer cop

Don’t lie. He made you get out of the car for a sobriety test and you all of the sudden busted out some hott dance moves FTW!!!

this has always worked for me as well. It’s rare to find a person that can continue to be a dick when you are just being as friendly as possible to them.


i’m going to say one thing.
The judge of concord court, is the biggest cunt in the world. I thought my lawyer was going to knock her out

nobody cares poor you

ouch that sucks man! i bet you will think twice next time though…they always hit you where it really hurts, your wallet.

Word up homie g’dog.

damn dude that really sucks

I would have gladly paid an extra $100 so that judge could get a make over. There were two scumb bags in there, one for possession of weed/controlled substance and one for a dwi .19 bac…and she let them go for NO BAIL and was laughing and joking with them,they had baggy jeans and looked poor as fuck.
I was dressed so nice and was so polite and she was such a cunt hole to me and my lawyer.
I’m just glad it’s over

ehh you win some, you lose some. maybe she just thought you really needed to learn a lesson. i know thats what happened to me. i was dressed up, shirt and tie. looked better than anyone else in the court and my lawyer tried everything, but no budging.

If you gold plate a turd, its still a turd…


Guess what, she sees scumbags for a living, odds are: she is a better judge of character than you are.

Oh yea and:
