updated 10/20:not the best way to wake up...

i’m 20 years old. and am i full time student. and i work full time. and i live by myself. hmf.

dawn you two should hook up


So how many points, and will you still have a license once the DMV adds them up in their big database?

they were all reduced to 7 counts of parking illegally.
Sooo glad my lawyer was there, the cop was there and was SOOO ANGRY at me, he even mentioned jail time.
Fucking prick. lolz

he’s a prick because you fucked up?

Good it got reduced to no points, be glad.
I just dealt with a long court event for some bs and it got dismissed but had a very large bill but very well worth the feeling of having it dismissed.

If you’ve ever been to court where a cop is having a hissy fit because he isn’t getting his way, you will then come back here and say “ahh yes prick is the word”.

didn’t the cop say don’t bring a lawyer and i’ll be nice?

maybe so…but considering his countless previous run ins with the law, and the fact he was written for 72/45, not yeilding to an emergency vehicle, no registration, driving out of class, I just don’t see how the cop is the prick.

Maybe if this was a first time thing, ok. But it’s obviously a reoccuring pattern with him.

Just sayin

lol i still blame shawn for most of this

the cop said “Don’t bring a lawyer and we’ll work someting out”

ya, that fucking douche bag would have me sitting in a cell right now…haha

He was probably pissed because he told you that and you brought a lawyer anyways…

And $805 for running from a cop sounds just about right in my book. I got a $200 ticket for 13 over once in Williamsville, and it was just a speed trap. If I was riding around like an ass hat without a license or registration, I’d think $805 was a blessing if there were no points or jail time involved.

Stop your whining. I don’t know you, but it sounds like you make a lot of stupid decisions after reading the last 6 pages. Grow the fuck up and take responsibility for your actions.

lol fool money, youzz so grown up

lol i had $2500 in fines for running from the cops on my bike. yes you read that right, $2500.

what an ass, not yielding to an emergency vehicle?

are you that fucking stupid?

they should of ran your ass over.

you dumb ass. read the story.

He threw on his lights and I took off. I was not impeding him at all.


lol ok, and im the dumb ass.

hahaha, your one of the few ppl around here that DO NOT deserve to have a license. and honestly the way you drive i dont see you having it much longer anyways, so good luck with that huffy.
