*UPDATED* 2010 NYSpeed Spring Meet & BBQ! Sunday May 2nd.

Well…I could have prob dropped my work for an afternoon, but I would have shown up in the SHO and then have to deal with all the hate that NYspeed has for that car…lol

*please refer to sig for heater capability from said Mustang:) That’s about all it does well now seeing as 12 second cars are old news.

  1. Irresponsible driving in the middle of a public park just continues to feed the stereotype that car enthusiasts are a bunch of assholes.
  2. Nobody cares if the pictures aren’t perfect. 97% of people that view them would not be able to see the imperfections.

Sorry I missed it… Looks like fun.
I would have never expected a burnout vid.

HAHA Neither of which i care about in the least bit. So for those that didn’t go, you’ll have to deal with the fact that we did heaters and had fun, and in the mean time your all waiting on me for the pics.

I could care less what you do at your meets, I don’t attend them and likely never will. Just answering your question lol.

I suppose my original question was rather rhetorical…I guess what i meant to ask the people who talk shit is “Why are you so fucking lame ???”

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Getting to the point is so much easier isn’t it!

but it does come into play when soon enough we cant book a shelter anywhere let alone the nicer parks around here

Yes Mike it is LOL

---------- Post added at 02:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:07 PM ----------

They’ll get over it.

Well seeing that it was not booked under NYSpeed or anything pointing to us, I am sure that we will be fine in the future. I just hope that I do not get a phone call trying to blame me for someone doing a burnout. I was fully unaware of any of this mischief even though I do not hate on it.

This shelter was booked with about as much transparency as a drug deal in Colombia. As long as no one forgot the NYSpeed banner I’d say we’re in the clear.

Some of you guys really have no business being on this site. Can’t you start up imsoadult.org or something lol. Bottom line is that yestarday was a great meet and a blast for everyone involved.

As far as the bystanders at no point was anyone close enough to them for it to be unsafe at all. That is the bottom fucking line.

with this thread nyspeed has digressed about 7 years or so…

Perfect! you mean we can have a site full of car enthusiasts again!!!

Actually, I just want to see some fucking photos of the meet. I’m not shitting on anything about yesterday, so take it easy and actually read what I wrote…

We don’t always need to see photos so clear, that the sweat of someone’s balls are showing through their shorts, get off your high horse…this is a local car forum, don’t fabricate in your mind that it’s anymore than that…

And that is not an insult to anyone that runs this forum, I respect them all, they know that. Not to mention, I’ve known them all a lot longer than you have. They’re doing a tremendous job with everything, and I applaud the efforts they go to in order to set everthing up, and make this forum more prominent.

It’s just that there are simple things that were very frowned upon back in the day when we had meets, thins like burnouts, calling attention, making a scene, all those things got us kicked out of a lot of prime spots, and caused issues. I’m not saying any of it’s good or bad, I’m just giving you the truth.

The sad reality around here however, is how fucking trendy and clicky people get. Something becomes cool, and all of a sudden, you better be doing it, regardless of any consequences, or you don’t fit in…

But no one speaks up out of fear of not being accepted…it’s pretty fucking pathetic and shows how insecure a lot of people are around here…

I actually agree with 91mr2 on the photos thing. I think its cool to get some really nice edited shots but I am more then happy to get home and see whatever someone took with the point and shoot as well. I think part of the issue with that is that people know that the “photo” guys are going to take pics so they do not bother. I didn’t even bring my camera yesterday. :frowning: There were some dope cars though.

Joe as far as what you said about the spots and burnouts wouldn’t you agree that in those days people were trying to preserve a spot that locals hung out at on a near daily basis. It is not a comparable situation to say the least. I still think it would be dumb to start busting heaters and sliding at places like southgate,mighty,chilis just like it was for our more prime spots back in the day. This is just not the same.

So wait, is it cool to do heaters, or bitch about others doing heaters?

Hmmm well there needs to be a formula made…What do you want your e-persona to be+how much better are you then others-how much you actually like heaters/if you still have a fast car = can has heaterz :slight_smile: or heaterz are lame :frowning:

Really I think some people always just like to have something negative to say but in reality most can admit even if they weren’t there that it looks like we had a fun time.

Also I think people are relating this too much like a spot we are trying to chill at all the time. That certainly does not make what we were doing responsible because it certainly is not lol but they can not be looked at as one in the same.

i say that everyone who DIDN’T attend the meet yesterday should just keep to themselves rather than bitching about this or that in this thread. and saying how irresponsible doing burnouts was etc. you make it seem like there were people racing through the park. and i had a hell of a lot better time this year at Chestnut Ridge than i did last year at Art Park. and if you couldn’t make it that’s your own fault. it turned out to be a gorgeous day.

I can see both sides of this little heaters argument going on. I love smokey burnouts as much at the next guy and do plenty of illegal driving on public roads. My only concern is this is the 2nd time a meet was done there and it’s a popular spot with attendees. If you go for a 3rd time I wouldn’t be surprised to get a LOT of attention from the Erie County Sheriff. I’m guessing the majority of cars there aren’t 100% legal (remember, anything louder than STOCK is illegal) so that attention could make a meet miserable.

So yeah, fun, but probably not a real smart idea if you plan on going back.