dude let me borrow your cds, ill give you a bag of random beer that i have in mybackseat
430 9199 williamsville on california st
dude let me borrow your cds, ill give you a bag of random beer that i have in mybackseat
430 9199 williamsville on california st
^^^^^ hahahah soo good
ill have to rip the 3rd one since it has a scratch on it, give me a few days
waht does farming mean for gold… or “gold farming”
i know people that group up and run around in different known gold vein locations hoping to find a vein and mine it then split the gold ore, but probably when you heard it meant people are just killing lots of things to sell the leather/cloth off of them for money.
There are these freakin players in China that work for many hours a day that just play wow.
Their sole purpose is to make money (in game) so that they can sell it to people who are willing to pay for it on egay
o ok haha… so theres not an actual “farm” of gold
i need the cds
No ya don’t
Let’s see… my characters are…
60 Tauren Druid on Skullcrusher
60 Undead Mage on Skullcrusher
60 Human Mage on Skullcrusher
41 Undead Warrior on Skullcrusher
I’ve been playing since the game came out basically. The druid was my first character from day one. I made the Undead mage around april, and hit 60 on him in like june-july or so. And I was given the human mage account by friends on alliance who wanted me to play with them. She was 58 so I hit 60 and keyed her all up in like 2 days. I’ve got all sorts of low lvl alts scattered around, but I’ll probably never level any of them up since once my warrior hits 60, that’ll be 4 60’s I have O_o. I might be moving to Smolderthorn though with the server xfers within a few days, but that largely depends on if I’m able to rejoin my old guild Nightmares Asylum (pretty much the top horde guild in game right now :D)
Yes… I’m a nerd
you are the biggest nerd
i bow down to you, oh scary nerd!!!
OMFG you have an 18slot?
your necklace sucks
OMFG onyxia backpack?!?1/1
hey mr nocar. have anything to donate to a noob on skullcrusher? lol … im a lvl 27 human warrior.
Sadly my human mage has like 9g to her name. I stupidly bought out a couple pristine black diamonds when the price was dropping thinking i could resell them higher on horde only to have the price drop way further right after that. On the other hand, I just had my first epic drop EVER while solo (sadly, ive had two other epics drop but i lost roll on them) in fereals. I got the icemail jerkin. too bad it sucks
its the thought htat counts just trying to save for my mount
lvl 32 w/ all skills paid for, 7 14 slotters, 3 bankslots, and I just broke 50+g… and I havnt even been to SM yet… man… once I do SM a few times I’ll break 100g np…