I got that drop too… and I paid for a diamond for my pally… sold the icemail for 200g on AH… and paid 200g for the diamond atleast I’m using it I suppose…
wow… ive been too busy playing wow to even respond to this thread… but here goes…
60 Night Elf Druid — Lothar ----- Chinafon
60 Dwarf Warrior — Lothar ------ Siv
32 Human Mage — Lothar ------ Tigobittie
23 Night Elf Rogue — Lothar ---- Neftw
Im usually on lothar because I already have so much time invested into my warrior and druid… I also have a mage Im lvling on Shattered Hand… nothing to write home about tho… I think she’s lvl 18 or so… Her name in Minny for those on Shattered Hand.
My guild on lothar did MC for awhile but our alliance fell through with the other guild we went with… now we do Zul’Gurub in house 2-3 times a week…
Decided yesterday my warrior is going to be my PvP whore… going back to arms/fury spec… WTFPWN poor fools in PvP. Mortal Strike FTW
how did you make so much money, just working the AH buying low selling high?
play the AH
and knowing where vendors sell stuff for 78copper that you can resell for 75silver-1gold helps too…
edit: and I’m in your guild f00
about time they sent you an invite, when did they finally get around to it? I haven’t been on that server in about a week i started an undead ive been messing around with but i plan to work on my rogue again this weekend a bunch.
where can u get stuff for cheap at vendors and then sell it again?
So last night I killed Hakkar in ZG. Hakkar drops his “heart of hakkar” every kill, which is a quest item you can turn in for one of three trinkets. The warrior trinket sucks, and the melee one is decent. The mage/warlock one however is kickass. So last night I was just screwing around, dueling a guildy of mine testing out the damage I can do. Now my +dmg gear is pretty good, but I am missing a few pieces that would raise my +dmg output quite alot. So the crits you see here, are only going to get higher and higher
I <3 this thing
wow nice hits, most ive ever done was around 1500-1600
DAMn that think kicks ass
Wow that’s a frostbolt crit also
imagine a fireball :eek:
Fireball wouldnt be that great for me since I’m specced 33 frost, 18 arcane. I may be respeccing arcane power (so that crit just got 35% higher), but as I said, I need a few more items of gear to be more effective and get those 3k crits
Are you AoE at all?
i need to level with an AoE mage, God they are awesome
Yeah, Instant arcane explosion is extremely key for a mage. You can check out my builds by clicking on my profile links from my first post in here on page 4. Just click on the talents tab and check it out there. My spec is more for raiding right now, but it’s pretty good at pvp as well so i’m happy with it
waht does AoE mean?
Area of Effect
large area damage, not just one target
ah ic thx :-)… also wahts your opinion of the best pvp class? i want to start working on a new char.
Every class has their pros/cons
it’s what you like to play.
A holy/disp priest pretty much suxors as PVP. Weak armor, nothing too impressive for damage… but i heal other people. If those other people keep me alive, I keep them alive. It’s fun.
sorry for all the noob questions haha… but i jsut had like 2 more. on nocar’s post, he had a link to show waht his damage was doing and if it crits or not… etc… how do u get that to show up? also ive seen some screen shots of people who have their interfaces WAY dif set up. options what i couldnt find in the interface menu. any ideas?
That damage is in the combat log, there is a tab next to your uh… i forgot the name of it. but it’s where you chat and shit.
You gotta kinda hover your mouse over it for a sec for it to show up.
out of my char.'s i have the most fun pvp’ing with my rogue but that’s because i like to be an asshole and gank horde when they least expect it like when they’re hunting or eating/drinking.
lol i can see that being tons of fun hahah… cuz i know how much it pisses me off when people do it to me lol