Urinating disrupted by a hick

I had to go to a funeral a little while back in a small farm town of Brant NY. The population is not even 100. Me being smart for trips I was drinking water the whole way down in the proximity of Brant. I pull over to take a piss. I am probably 30 yards in or so covered in the trees then some hick statetrooper says “son youve just comited a level A sex offence.” He continued walking towards me and im like “can I please finish.” He had enough respect to turn around and wait. He said “you know, publicly urinating is a sex offense.” You just told me that 20 seconds ago. Im not senile. So apperantly Public Urination is against the law who knew.

What are some of the stupidest laws you broke and got caught doing?

pissing on a tree in brockport…$250 fine and a half day off of work to drive there for court…

so did he blow you or what

oh yeah thats what i fantasize about some country cracker blowing me

The guy let me go I was heading to a funeral my great grandfather just died

Not giving names, but on a little cruise last year i witnessed 3 fellow nyspeeders pissing on a firehouse.

Brant cops are the worst. They got me for window tint a few years ago.


this makes me feel… ahhhhh releived im not the only one with an over active bladder

Well next time learn to not drink and drive. It elminates little pit stops like that

i was in a car for 3 hours what do you expect.

My dick is like a dynimite stick, its about to blow. Take cover

I got a ticket in NF for spitting on a sidewalk.

Cops dont have anything better to do. To them its an excuse to carry a badge and a Gun

that’s funny.

back in the day when i was running usa power on the XXX, we all pull over waiting for frigging usa power to adjust his tire pressures…i go to piss while we wait…328769028690826 cop cars show up, they’re all yelling at me “get back in your car!” … thought I was gonna get shot.

cop: you’re in big trouble (trying to scare me)
me: lol
cop: you think this is funny? i can have u arrested for indecency!!!

got a “illegally parked on a highway” ticket :gay2:

what was the charge?

i got a ticket for urinating in public at oktoberfest in elicottville

as I whip it out i feel a hand on my shoulder saying “come with me”

best part was, my friend goes
" i was just texting"
cop-" i saw you"
friend-" you saw my dick?"
cop- “yeah”
friend- “get the fuck out, saavvveee it”

but pulling over and peeing, and the cop writing you a ticket, that is just lame

beast got a open container ticket walking from brick bar to the pink

idk ive been pretty lucky, never gotten a ticket for dumb shit

i know a good friends brother (who is also a nyspeeder) got a open container ticket at the st patty’s day parade :bloated:

I got a ticket of unnecessary acceleration or something along those lines. Pretty much it was going 0-55 as fast as possible without burning out. Lame

I should have done that while peeing out my window.

i pee all over the place and never got caught

X2. If it’s between the woods and a disgusting public restroom or porta-potty, I’ll choose the woods. Or alley behind the bar.