Using altima fan setup > hooking wires up

i just picked up my altima fans today to put on my 240 and not realizing that the altima fans have 2 plugs> one should hhok up to the current plug. the question is should i just splice the other wires off the other fan plug into them> Any other suggestions?
its for a ka24de if that matters any

help would be appreciated

check the fsm/haynes for the diagram… afaik it’s like the maxima with low and high speed… ie parallel hot+ground wires to each

you can test for continuity and then use a battery to test each if you are ghetto as long as each pair makes it spin the same way you know that means parallel… rinse repeat, unless it’s easy and the wire colours match on both fans

I just put mine in a series circuit and controlled it via a switch :dunno:

I did the same as Gonad. I wired a relay to mine aswell cuz i kept buring out my switches.

afaik the quest used 3 relays for its electric fans, and the maxima used 2… obviously you can get higher rated relays so if you wanted hi and low then you’d need minimum two…

and they will draw about 15-25amps each depending on condition on high… you will burn out switches at that load

one thing you can do that I’ve done is add a second relay box to the car from another nissan, I used one from a quest, gives you 6x2 arrangement, but you could pick any other car really, makes wiring it up pretty and gives you slots for other creative features, extra fogs, undercar lights, rice cooker lid actuators… heh

black and yellow are grounds, blue and green are positive. if you use both grounds, they will be on low only.

ideally, you’ll have a relay for your blue greens that’s only on with the key. and a switch on the yellow in the cabin to moderate high and low.

my setup is : fan blue green>30A fuse>relay>10A glass fuse>+12V source.

my relay just happens to be a tempurature controlled switch integrated into it, which i picked up at partsource. it worked out great, because it has an orange wire and blue wire for controlling two fans. you can also wire it to the AC relay so the second fan only comes on when the AC activates it.

okay i may have made a slight miss calculation but i am putting these fans in a s14 kouki…and well they dont even fir between the fram rails. now that i fell totally retarted , am i going to have to do some modification to the fans it’s self or is this setup mainly for s13’s/////

please advise ,foe fuk sakes

yea the fans need cutting ,trimming. google it you will find more help

yellow and blue are positive and green and black are negative. switching the positives changes the fan speed

yellow and blue are positive and green and black are negative. switching the positives changes the fan speed[/quote]

you know, that’s what i read on Zilvia too, but hooking them up that way made the fans stop. so, i tested the combinations. wiring it any other way for high would make them either stop or go the wrong way (push). This diagram is similar to my setup, but shows that to have high/low, it’s the grounds, not the positive that controls it.

yea i saw some confusion in that post and it seems it works differently for different people. i have it wired the way i mentioned and it works for me.

not an sx but same idea…