electric fan install help..

I installed my altima fans into my 240 last night, and they have worked until tonight. i wired each fan into separate relays and ran them to a switch to control the fans manually. i popped my hood to check my oil and noticed both of my inline fuses were blown (20 amp fuses). i put a 30 amp fuse and a 25 into the other and the 25 amp fuse blew again, so i only have one fan working at the moment and when i tried to put a bigger fuse into the other fan the wire got very hot and started to burn…does anyone have any ideas as to why i keep blowing fuses and why my one fan isnt wanting to work anymore? could it be a bad connection possibly?

Could be a bad or dirty connection, the wire u used might not be a large enough guage to handle the amperage required by the fans. Same with the relays. A wire coulda rubbed through and is either grounding out or shorting to another one. How exactly do u have it wired? eg, wat pins on the relay go where.(30,87,87a,85,86) And where are u gettin the activation power from?

Hope this helps, PM or MSN me if u need more help.

Where do you have them grounded?

I wired them properly to the relays and i used proper gauged wire as well. Im going to clean up the grounds better and use bigger of fuses. hopefully that helps. :shifter: i grounded the fans beside the headlight assembly and i grounded the switch by the kick panel…

figured out what the problem was. :smiley: