V-Cast phones

…does anyone have one of those things? i have one and i suck at it. can you just download mp3s from your computer right into your phone somehow or do u have to get them through the V Cast web thing? anything else cool about them that i should know, cause i dont have time to read through those manuals.

nope i have cingular and the phone i have sucks ass and always breaks.

Dont have time?..that can be reading material for when you Man Shi*t

Which one, I hope it isnt the Sony Erikson 520a, b/c I have one being sent to my house.

your sig sucks


yes, resize that mother fucker


dont know how i suck at interweb :dunno:

mine has a memory card i just pop it in my card reader copy the songs over and done

well mine has alittle port on the side that says ‘Trans Flash’ i guess i can read up on that , cause that might be it. is that what yours has too?

yeah, mine’s a mini-sd tho, just a different type of mem card. you can use a card reador or like my setup i use my printer it has a built in card reader

i have the samsung a-950, i didnt get v-cast on it, didnt want it. so i just have a sandisk mobilemate and a microSD memory card in the phone… all i have to do is put the mem card in the mobilemate, plug it in the usb, and copy and paste. its real nice when people have an MP3 aux port in their car or something like that… i just got the 128mb card and i have like over 35 songs on my phone

i cancelled my v-cast subscription. it was retarded

well if u can download stuff from your computer then i wont even care about that

v-cast is the biggest waste of 15 bucks…

Treo > vcast