%$*& v. police

So my car just got whacked while it was parked in front of my apartment, by a police crown vic. Driver’s side is pretty much done for. 95 318iS, with like 133k miles on it.

Rear quarter is pressing into my winter tire, Bumper is cracked, door is fucked up, mirror is scrapped, car was pushed 4 inches into the curb.

ABS light is on now.

And I’m supposed to make the 5 hour drive home to Buffalo saturday…

Oh well…

with the abs light on

sooooooooo basically this will be treated like any other car that would hit you…

SOOOO… v. police isn’t needed

!@$@# v. my car got hit.

Don’t try to bring the police into this… they did nothing wrong. If you would have just plunged to toilet instead of leaving the shit inthe toilet then you wouldn’t have this problem.

Its your fault you have to drive 5 hours to buffalo with a shitty car

He accidentally the whole ABS light.

more details would help the v. police , rather than just your car got hit by one

is the police dept going to pay for the damages?

the police dept. insurance will pay for the damages lol.

and why was your car hit.
pictures wtf

when a buffalo plow hit my buddies car in allentown that was parked, they claimed some bullshit and said that they would not pay for it.

Yea police are covering it, just bad timing, I’d like to be back home for the holidays.

And what do you mean police did nothing wrong? Not at fault? HE DROVE INTO THE DAMN THING! He was at complete fault.

And my car was spotless, always running well. Far from shitty.

And the ABS light will be the result of the impact. Damn wheel sensors! Just means the ABS braking has been disabled, which might come in handy in the winter.

I wonder if the cop will get a ticket?

he should… because you know damn well, he’d write one to someone else for this.

I’m going to have to agree with his title and disagree with your one sided view point of this. Examples…

If an old lady had hit his car I bet the thread title would have been: “%$*& v. Old People

And if some drunk guy had hit his car maybe: “%$*& v. Drunk Drivers

So explain how a Police officer not paying attention and hitting his car does not deserve the current thread title? Unless the officer was pushed into his car by another car I believe the thread title is fine.

So the officer stopped back, he’s actually a pretty nice guy, and I asked him a few things about the incident.

I guess now I take it to a BMW dealer, have them estimate it, and push for a rental car while its in the shop. I don’t feel its fair I can’t spend the holidays with family and friends back home because of this accident. My problem is given my age of 20, I wonder if I can get a rental car.

If i could, I would rename it v. police blooper or something.

Most police departments don’t have insurance. It is just cheaper for them to pay for damages than to pay for a policy.

Towns and municipalities are not responsible for damages they cause unless they were grossly negligent. IIRC a plow went through a building around here and the town did not have to pay for the damages.

x2 chicks tiberon got hit in the tot n she was shit outa luck

Oh no, how could one possibly drive on snow without ABS. :ohnoes:

Sucks but hopefully they’ll cover it all maybe with a bit extra to spare. Sounds like they are doing what they can in this instance.

ABS light on doesn’t mean your ABS is disabled.

So this is like 11 months later, but I figure I’d update it. I had court today over the damages to my vehicle, and I won. The city denied claims and threw out some ordinance about wreckless disregard and how emergency vehicles are not held responsible for their actions. I sued, I won, and they paid me value of the car, since the car’s value was determined to be less than the damages.

If this happens to anyone else, Traffic Ordinance 1104 about emergency vehicles is quite helpful.


Wow, that’s some fucking bullshit!! Glad it worked out for you even though it took a year.