Vending, good business idea or no?

o, I never went to gearhead so idk, I thought they did good?

I know people that do it, I just dont know why more dont. A mechanic shold be able to diagnose on the spot whats wrong so what do you mean minor problems turn into major ones? I’ve seen cars I could sell for 8000-9000 for like 3000 needing a head gasket… Yeah, a head gasket is crazy work but its AALLL labor which means its AALL profit when done… And these cars dirt cheap becuase they need bodywork? Rust repair is detailed yes but dents and shit is no big deal… I just dont get it.

Look on the for sale section on here and check ot the third gen eclipse im selling… That car was for sale for monnthhss before I bought it… I cant believe a mechanic/body guy didnt pick that car up need nothing but bodywork… Guy was asking $1,500, I got em down to $1,000, ripped the amps and subs out and sold them for $300 making me only $700 into this car. $500 in bodywork and you could sell that car for $4,500