Vending, good business idea or no?

Oh I 110% agree that dealerships arent all its caked out to be and yeah, I know all about the 30 day if mileage on a vehicle has less than 100k on it, I meant regular mechanics who dont own dealerships. What also sucks about a dealership and the reason I dont have my own is the fact that you cant just let a buyer write there own bill of sale with a cheaper price… I see dealers AALLL the time loosing deals becuase there buying a car for 8-9k and dont wanna pay the $700 tax. On a private deal they can write whatever the fuck they want as long as I have my own record and bill of sale saying the true amount I sold for lol. I think you misunderstood about what I said about my mechanic… He drove down to personally see the vehicle, what I meant was all he needed was a cell phone to check the price of the PARTS needed to repair the car… No special tools were needed to give me an est.