Verizon coverage blows

I have a company verizon broadband card, and I use it without issue most of the time. I was just in Phoenix for work. I couldn’t get connected there despite my strong cell signal (also Verizon). I called the “help” line and after doing 6 or 7 futile exercises, I still could not connect, so she decided it was my device that was malfunctioning, offering to send me a new one, but with the risk of being charged $200 for the new one, if mine was deemed “damaged.”

I decided against the new one, just got back to Pgh, and my old one, that is actually bent from travel/abuse still works perfectly. This is not the first time I’ve had a similar connection issue with no valid explanation from the helicopter flying, army of technical people, douche-bag Verizon. The “network” is a joke.


I haven’t had any trouble with my Verizon cell phone service. Not sure about the broadband though.

I use the verizon network through my cell phone to teather to my laptop. Even though full service is available for the phone, the data network is separate from that. I have been very happy with the use of this through my Motorola q thus far.

Entering my own realm again…Sprint is the way to go for connection cards…go to any stand other than sprint in a mall and they will tell you hands down its faster and more reliable…but seeing that yours is work related i don’t know how your bound to it so i can’t make too many suggestions. Verizon for the most part is a big hodge podge of technologies…they are so big because they bought out mom n pops companies in smaller towns where they could easily do so, this may be why your having problems with your connection card…also CDMA does has a tower connection limit…if your in a big metro area you can have a whole slew of problems with the data card…but again…this is all contingent upon too many variables. Some areas will have Rev A. speeds and others will have the old school slower connection. Take another card with you to test next time…if you get the same issue you know its NOT the card(s)

I’ve heard that. With my own money, I’d go with Sprint for certain.

I would, but I only have one. I’m on the card right now…working great. Verizon can blow me. I’m sure my last call was logged on the account, so I’m going to call again tomorrow and tell them how pathetic their network is, and how pissed off I am.

I doubt it will do anything, but I’ll feel better.

what you just described is a hardware problem. It’s like having a rod blow out the side of your engine and then bitching about how your car won’t run because the gasoline you’re running sucks.

We use the verizon broadband cards and I agree that they are very spotty. Sometimes they work great and I can move very quickly and other times I can’t connect at all or it is like I am on a 56K modem. It is really very hit or miss. I don’t really complain too much though, because a slow connection is better than no connection IMO. A few years ago you couldn’t connect from just anywhere, so I feel fortunate that I can connect at all even if it is slow.

Can you hear me now?


I’ve had similar problems with a VErizon BB card…it turns out it was my computer.

Sprint has voice only service along the turnpike towards Philly. Can’t get data until the Philly exit. Other than that I haven’t had any problems.

verizon coverage fucking blows, I hate verizon.

I don’t see how that’s the case. First, I don’t see how you know it’s a hardware problem, the Verizon employees can’t even figure it out. Secondly, I’m blaming Verizon, it could be their software, hardware, or some fag with glasses who forgot to travel to Phoenix with a broadband card. I don’t really know or care what the real problem was, but for a week while in the 5th largest city in the U.S. I couldn’t connect to Verizon’s “National Access.” I could however connect just fine upon returning to Pittsburgh, with my same beat up, abused card that she was convinced was my problem in Phoenix.

That is where you are wrong. There are network side issues that can prevent a number of customers from utilizing certain services…9/10 it’s not on the customers end

everyone in this thread is gay.

So you’re coming out?

i’ve had verizon for years and have had the best voice coverage and and (when i had data) excellent data coverage. the bill is high as fuck, but i’m a liberal; i’m good with paying too much for a good service. :wink:

i had verizon data car worked perfect.

have a sprint card and it sucks

everything i ever got at sprint was a great piece of hardware, with good coverage, connected to the shittiest fucking customer service EVER.

watching. i’ve wanted to get a broadband card for some time but thestats scare me since i’m used to cable… the speeds seem to be the suck and if you download/upload so much info they knock you back slower? i’ve been happy with my verizon phone but it seems if i go mobile it will just be like someone kickin me in the nuts…

dont you mean to say that you’re good with paying too much for a horribly mismanaged and completely incompetent service?

My Verizon cell phone gets service everywhere I’ve been…ridiculous places like the entire ride to and from Houston in valleys on hills in the middle of nowhere, I actually like the service itself. The people though do in fact suck.