Verrry cheap wheelhop fix

I had my car up on jacks pushing up on the subframe. I noticed theres like nothing left of where there is supposed to be a lower bushing on my rear portion of the subframe. Ive always had really bad wheelhop. So i wrapped a bunjee cord around where the bushing is supposed to go twice and then hooked the ends onto w/e was near by. It works! im not even joking no wheelhop when burning out a slight hop when doing doughnuts but NONE in a strait line. we’ll see how long it lasts but im verry impressed. Next thing im going to experiment with is using a hockey puck. Its sooo cheap! but it works…thats what i like :slight_smile:


That is so beyond ghetto that people FROM the ghetto would say “Wow, that’s ghetto”

hey whatever works!

No, its ghetto.
Fixing things properly now saves headaches later on.

thats using your brain boyz. its called improvising when your shit outta luck. quick fix. +1

It took 7-8 minutes to do both sides while the car was up on jacks. The bunjee cords were laying around so they were free. As for headaches? Meh mine are gone now. BTW i didnt even have to unbolt the subframe or loosen it, it was too easy.

this is messed up…

bunjee cords instead of bushings?

It cost me nothing, 10 minutes of my time and made significant diffrence. Im sure real bushings work far better and will greatly outlast bunjee cords. I dont care how flamed i get it WORKS!

Thats fantastic! I can’t wait until the bungee lets go on one side and the sub frame torques funny and the car goes all squirly(sp) and throws you all over the road!

5 years of racing 125rotax under my belt…loosing control wont happen…and how could it be worse than before with no bushing. all i see happening is nasty wheelhop coming back again nothing that would cause the car to completly veer off the road.

Before it was balanced… now you have a chance of just lossing it on one side… if your in a turn I don’t care how good of a driver you think you are, its dangerous and not very bright! I’m just tring to keep the saftey of everyone on the roads in mind.

… it’s a bungee cord … some poly fiber wrapped around a bunch of tiny rubberbands. do you NOT see how thats not really an automotive application as it pertains to the subframe and chassis.

it’s ghetto… which is a kind way of saying ‘it’s dumb’

im locking this

  1. out of sheer retardedness

  2. to discourage anyone else from trying such stupidities