Vid: Innovative Tuning Project Voltron At Dunville 11.07

Here’s a clockwise lap at Dunville Autodrome. This was on spring pressure (low 11 second boost). 245 tires just don’t cut it on this car. I need to add flares and some big slicks to get more power down, but I think this is a good start. We also need to add an external oil cooler and some more ducting for the radiator and front brakes.

31 MB. 640X480 High Res. Requires QuickTime.


Youtube streaming (smaller, lower res):

Saw that thing in Buffalo a few weeks ago at Innovative… Jay said it was fast… but wow… nice car


Needs more traction

I got a ride in the beast yesterday @ dunnville… it’s scary fast when you can point and shoot… but yeah, some race tires would be nice.


Needs more cowbell


Fixed, but yeah that thing is insane!


Absolutely insane, just from the passanger’s seat it seemed to be a stupid handful.