Video editing software

Greetings guys and gals. So I’ve been doing more and more videos with my GoPro as well as more photography with my DSLR. I have noticed however, like many of you probably have, that GoPro Studio is garbage. I’m really enjoying the capturing side of things but I haven’t been happy with editing on studio. Just wondering if anyone on here has some software they’d recommend for video editing as well as easy to use photo editing. I travel with a MacBook Pro and just finished a huge PC build so if there’s something I can use on both, bonus. Thanks in advance. Also, I’m happy to spend the money on something decent if it will last me a while and do what I want. Thank you

Anything other than Premiere seems like trash to me, Premiere all the way

This. I’ve dabbled in Sony’s software but Premiere is the way to go. Even using a 5+ year old version can be better than most.

Have you messed around at all with iMovie on your mac? I’ve only played with it a little on my phone but was surprised how easy it was for free software.

I started in older versions of premiere, and tried other stuff, I always go back to premiere…