What do you think about the idea?
What do you think about the idea?
If done right it could be the greatest thing to ever happen to WNY.
However, it will NEVER happen. Not in my lifetime, probably not in my 15 month old daughter’s lifetime.
Why? You’re asking politicians to agree to a plan that will eliminate a whole bunch of politicians.
They’ll bicker, and fight, and won’t negotiate in good faith. They’ll only agree to it if their job is saved while someone else’s job is cut.
And if the voters start trying to demand it they’ll pull out the old scare tactics of “they’re going to get rid of your local police”, or “Byron Brown will be in charge of your services”, or “you’re going to be forced to support parks/libaries/social programs your current village doesn’t even use” and the voters will eat it up and side with these idiot politicians.
As much as I like the plan I can’t even get remotely excited about it anymore because I know it has zero chance of ever happening in this state/county/town. Most corrupt political system in the nation FTMFL.
what he said ^
I think there needs to be a degree (not complete) of consolidation of government, and tax base sharing
would be nice, however unlikely.
at the same time i do thoroughly enjoy my village services in kenmore.
Old news. Hamburg town/village was discussing this a while ago. Won’t happen.