Vinyl is SRS BZNS

Oh yeah, thanks to DJ too for letting me know where to source giant vinyl rolls cheap. :smiley:

looks awsome ā€¦


its stock:shifty

So is mine. :ninja

So how hard was this to do? ANd is it easily removable?

Its not that bad. Its a job where you have to pay attention and have lots of patients.

I would say it took us a solid 17 hours.

You definitely need atleast 2 people to do it

as for removal its easier to remove than paint

A heat gun goes a long ways

That looks really f-ing good. Hell of a job there Bzns! I knew the base color layout in my head before this but now seeing it makes it look dyno-mite! Plenty of room for my logo now :rofl

so, Clark, whereā€™s my 'spent uber time on your car" thread :lol Jayā€™s is rolling back out of here tonight, finishing up the small incidentals here i couldnā€™t get done before his car went to paint. Going to go get his stikerz put on as well. Whenā€™s our photoshootā€¦need to hire good photographer.

Yea going to sticker jays car tonight

My cousin Jim has done a butt ton of magazine shoots, even writes his own stuff sometimesā€¦heā€™s a member on here as well.

Figured Iā€™d drop some business to the fam.

OMG FINALLY a pic of the pool table you were gonna sell me!!!

nevermind, thatā€™s the wing. sorry. :rofl :hug

WAYNE!!! :rofl :clap

car looks real nice bro. it came out sweet.

Finish that logo and itā€™ll go on! Thread coming soon.

:facepalm Jay isnt seriously having you put on his logo stickers is he?

I saw and touched said pool table. Its bigger than the wing

LOLZ! me noā€¦I donā€™t put on stickers. Iā€™m just finishing up his car now so he can have them put on by someone else if he so desires.

Nigersaurus please!, Iā€™ll finish that new logo as soon as I get a couple free hours when Iā€™m not working on yours/Jays/Jons BMWā€™s foo! Countdown clock is ticking ya know :wink:

My car is way more important, I need door panels and an SR20 before Race Warz.

LOL Was gonna say. Thereā€™s probably a better use of time doing something elseā€¦

Countdown definitely ticking. The to-do list is way longer than the time left. I see NH being a huge waste of money. :facepalm Aaaahhhhh

:hugā€¦ but really, thats mad nice