violent knocking and shaking from the rear

as i was preping my coupe for bings meet last night, i took her for a spin to the timmys near my place. during the ride the car was running smooth, however when i made tight left or right turns, there was a violent shaking and knocking noises comming from my rear, almost like it were skipping. as i straightened out the knocking disappeard and the car ran smooth again. ONLY DURING TIGHT TURNS. anyone kno what the possibilities are? please let me kno asap i’d like to get this thing on the road. thanks son

sounds like your rear diff. is gone and that the tires are spinning at the same speed. just show up at the meet and call it a welded diff. lol

^ ^ ^
thats something i was thinking aswell cuz sometimes the inner tire burns out a tad.
any other possibilities?

I have this problem as well. Except it’s a little more frequent. It also sounds like shit is loose. Which it may or may not be.

Rear subframe Bushings… check em out…
and yea sounds like your diff… ignore it man… people pay for welded and locked diffs… just ease into the turns when its raining or u may drift without wanting to.