ViPEC ECU's - has 'em

ok relax on the fan controller thing i was just causing a stink… it was the least awesome feature in the feature least summary

Actually… the best feature is the power ramp up… 60% fan power upon initial trigger and then 100% power if the temps rise another 3 degree’s… much much easier on the electrics… you know so the car doesn’t bog a little when its at idle and the fans kick on.

Unlike SOMEONES car I know :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m just ribbing you G… your aem works fantastic, its the quickest AEM sr I know of locally… :stuck_out_tongue:

How about Sasha’s S14 SR with AEM?

14sec isn’t “Fast” :rofl:

My car is fine now. It just drives the way it does because of the way I tune (read: detune) it :o

nothing wrong with his aem just his tuning,

useless posts deleted

this is actually a decent thread

dont fuck it up

Is that the same tuning that propelled a stock block SR20 to win the 2007 Canadian Touring Car Series?

Or the same tuning that held back Comp Coupe Vipers, Built LS1 and LT1 Vettes and Speed World Challenge M3’s?

Or was it the tuning the got that car through an entire season with no engine related DNF’s…in a season that subjected that little motor to more abuse than any other car on this site will even in it’s life see?

Help me understand cause I confused?

i love my aem
orignal dirft master did two maps for me and one is about 400whp for street/strack

and hten i have a 501whp just for the drag i can street it but it is way too violent of a tune. and i know im not ready to daily a 501 whp as did radek and which is why he wont give me the second map :@ but when im raedy he has no problems to load it up for me.

but i love the aem my car started in -5 weather and im running 850cc injectors i dotn know too many guys that can even get a car to idel proper wiht 850cc injectors.

oh yeh
two step for the win hahah

Hahah - that’s total BS man. 850’s aren’t even that big…why would anyone have trouble idling them?

Get him to have the high boost map put on a switch. Then you don’t have to worry about loading maps, just toggle between them.

850s are considered pretty big to an Asian.

yeah thats no problem its just i dont want that map yet as i knwo i am not ready for it.

as for the injecotrs ill have him chimeee in about it

Oh shit kids, remour has it AEM is to release an AEM EMS Version2. Same basic tool but with upgraded hardware to address the current deficiencies. Stay tuned and I’ll try to get mroe details,

And the plot thickens… dun dun dunnnnnnnn

Does this mean the aem tuners are better too? :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, it’s at least promising to seee they are evolving.

Turns out they have completely scrapped the Version1 box…nothing is carried over to the new box. New hardware, new manufacturing, new logic…the only thing that will remain fairly consistent in the AEMPro Software.

Still no word on MSRP but I can already feel a price jump.

You better be able to hold it together after popping 5+ sr’s.

Or better yet letting your customers leave your shop with 550cc injectors and z32 maf but no tuning and telling them its fine.

Considering the current boxes are still $1600+, you’re right about the price being in the $2k+

Oh and btw the new Tuner software is way too fancy and graphics intensive and it’ll be long before people start using it. It’s sorta like comparing Windows 95 (AEMPro) vs. Windows Vista (AemTuner).

In anycase nice to see another unit. I mean at least they’re not bankrupt coughApexicough

There’s no need to start bashing Radek…

two sides to every story no?

too big for u mark. especially in the cold… it just wont work