VW key question

Lol it’s so weird. I was in a few weeks back to get a oil filter and I saw ya working.

yea… it’s more my house then my house is… oh well and jobs a jobs, at least i’m not selling kia’s

Haha! True dat dude!

however, a lot of dealerships are out there to make money on unknowledgeable customers. i see no problem with jordan asking about this here. no need to get so fucking testy over the subject. calm yourself.


jordan was told the correct answer at the dealership, by a trained parts department employee. when did asking a professional not be a good enough answer?

again, not sure how this is going over your head? he is asking a second opinion. if maybe jordan had a personal relationship with the guy, then he probably wouldn’t need to ask. but, he is worried about getting ripped off (which is why dealerships get their name [stealerships]). dont take it so personal, it has to do with the fact that this is an unknown subject to jordan.

when you go to a doctor and they want to do brain surgery or something big, do you not go for a second opinion? when going for body work on a car, do you not get more than one estimate or opinion? nothing wrong with asking people who aren’t giving an answer to make money.

were talking about $100, not a few thousand, or life and death

i’m not so much annoyed at the question, more annoyed at the fact it was even a question of if the guy was telling him the truth or not.

this is the process to order a key

-get vin
-get key code
-find out price
-pre-pay for key
-key comes in
-program key with car
-use key as normal

if they wanted to be “steal” your money they would of not told you about the programming till after the key came in ready to be picked up. By telling him up front they were being honest and trust worth off the bat. Questioning that to me makes no sense. especially since he repeated himself a few times with the same exact answer.

because to him, he thought the chip was in the other portion of the device, not in the key (upper) portion itself. thus, he came here to double check because we would offer an unbiased answer. the dealership is still looking to make money, whether or not this is the sole correct answer. $100 bucks could buy him some coke, beers and a $20 blowjob, or it could be an unnecessary cost in “programming” the remote. Hence, why he came here for answers.

i was using the examples as a slight exaggeration. just used for showing that more than one opinions can help.

A1. at ths point … $ is kind of a big deal seeing im in the process of getting my license back.

A2. as for the repeating myself a few times, if you read my first post and on … i dont see any of that. I was just honestly, unknolegable in this area. So i asked a question as i was looking stuff up online to figure it all out. I went from not knowing what was going on, first post … to you eventually answering the question at hand (and for that, i thank you). I mean isnt that the whole point of the auto related part of the forum is is for anyway?

Im sorry if I offended you, but that was in no way what i set out to do… just wanted a 2nd opinion

btw… why do i get the feeling you where the guy i talked to, ha :stuck_out_tongue:

$100 bucks could buy him some coke, beers and a $20 blowjob…

i was using the examples as a slight exaggeration.

i see no exaggeration there :wink:
made me giggle

trust me, i was not the guy you talked to, i don’t push parts anymore

and i’m not bustin your balls for not knowing shit, i’m just generally annoyed at people thinking dealerships want to bend EVERY person over to take there money.

you were told by a trained VW parts representative what the cost was to get a new key and have it programmed before you ever put a cent down. Why do some poeple think thats not a good enough source? thats what grinds my gears.