VW key question

Ok, so i have my spare and i have the bottom half of the other key that has the (lock,trunk, unlock) bottons on it.

top flip part is what im missing

I went to the dealer and the dude said that to get the top part he still has to program the whole thing?

is this true … i mean i have the bottom part and thats already programed for the car so i dont need that, i just need the top part of the key that actualy flips.

Cant he just copy my spare and cut the new top part and i can just throw the 2 peices together?

dude kept saying “it needs to be programed” even though i told him i have the bottom partthat is… he wants to charge me like $100 + , seems kinda fishy to me…

Paging the TDI buddiezzz

this is an older flip key … is tis he thing hes talking about ?


yes thats exactly what he is talkign about.

if you only have the buttons, and not the physical key part, you need the key cut AND the RFID chip.

I also assume that the button piece you have does nothing for the car when you press the bottons right?

all the bottom works (lock, trunk, unlock) … with no issues

Does the spare have that RFID chip in it?

if you went to langan, and the told you it needs to be programmed, it needs to be programmed… end of story

if you want them to order a new top part for your car it NEEDS to be done, stop asking questions and either do it or stfu

wwoah buddy … no need to come at me like that. As you can see im asking if the spare has a RFID chip in it also. I didnt ask the dealer that.

easy question, … either answer it , or dont respond.

i also answered a question krazykid asked me, thanks for the imput though …

HUM. from that pic it looks like the chip is in the key side, not the buttons, unless the buttons PCB board also has a RF ship on it. which it might.

I wonder if you just had the blank cut and physically uinstalled on the button side it would still start? I dotn see why not. unless there is some proximity thing in the ignition that needs signal from both chips to start.

the key “top” has a chip in it. since the chip is not programmed for your car, if they just cut the key “top” it will only unlock the car, it will not start the car due to the computer not recognizing the chip inside the new key"top". like you said the top and bottom are completely different.

if by spare key you mean the non-switchblade key, does indeed have a chip.

there is no way around it, you need to have the key “top” reprogrammed if you get a new one.

which the dealership told you, parts guys are not like service guys, they don’t need to tell you anything but what part to order, they were being nice by informing you that it was going to require a reprogram before you paid for it.

see, this is the info i was looking for …

At the time, the way he explained it left me a lil confused. Ive never had a key with a chip in it, so i had no clue. Thanks for clearing it all up…

don’t assume dealerships are always out to screw people, they are trying to help more often then not. as long as you are in parts, pretty much everything your told is true, they are the only ones in a dealership who only want to get it done right and as easy as possible.

dont know, both of my Mk4s came with all 3 keys, and my audi had all 4

id just pay the cost to get the key blank and have it programed. its not huge money like it used to be. its come down alot in price.

B5’s do not have the chip in the “key” half and I had the option to order each separately. Yours is an immobilizer car so programming is needed. Brew already covered this though.

amd can confirm, if you ask a question to the parts guys at langan and they don’t know what they are talking about, they will tell you that, if they do know the answer tho they make sure it’s correct… those guys wont “pull one over on you”

not true. they will pretend to know. only Bill is straight up and will say he doesnt know something(which usually isnt the case with him)

parts dudes give me a run around when i go in, so ive just learned to do the leg work myself and get PN’s with current alpha codes and bring them with me.

The top half (with the key itself) has a transponder that needs to be programmed into the vehicle’s computer. If it is not programmed, the car will not start with the new key.

The bottom half is the keyless entry remote only.

2 Separate things that get programmed differently.

$100 is reasonable for a dealer to provide, cut, and program the key.

sean is a hit or miss with things i guess… al has no problem saying “let me as bill”

bill literally wrote the book for VW, they built the parts department around him.

Sean at Langan has the same last name as me. I Have no idea who he is lol

lol yes he does, kinda took me a couple of days as to try and find a connection to later find out there was none lol