Walbro Fuel Pumps Suck

ran one in my talon for 4 years, have 2 in there now

cool. I was just reading up on wiring in 2 of them. For a $100 a pop it wouldn’t be to bad.

gotta pay to play… things break. thats life.

if you take the turbo stuff off and put the stock honda pump back in, you will most likely never have a problem with it.

100lph less than the externals but i didnt’ want to have to fab up a fuel cell just yet

maybe the V-TAK fucks the pump up. :kekegay:

seriously though, almost everybody in the subaru world uses walbro when they start moding there cars i know of a few 550hp sti’s that are running them with no issues what so ever. and i will also be adding one next year when i do my turbo upgrade.

i’d never run a single on 400+whp

i’ve run a walbro on my eclipse for over 4 years now and never had a problem…

400whp is nothing for a 255 to support…

o noes youre going to start a dsm war now

just cause the car has had one in it for 4 years does not mean that the car has moved with it for 4 years

it’s not the flow it’s maintaining pressure with a 1:1 ratio. they dont’ like that

but i’m not arguing on this board anymore so you’re right.

yeah please don’t.

Walboro has treated me good and i always am messing with it.

bosch makes motorsport in-tank pumps.

if your strapped for cash, stick a rabbit fuel pump inline. stock rabbit pump will support 500 whp and can be found at any junkyard. it is a oem bosch unit. Hell, ligenfelter reboxes and sells it as their own… better yet, paxton’s pump is nothing more than an oem alfa romeo pump in a shiny bracket.

tons of porsch oem intank pumps, as well as a few other german cars (all bosch made).

Some turbo saabs (mid 90’s) run an oem walbro 255. same part numbers are on it as the aftermarket ones w/ the addition of the saab part number too. have one sitting on my shelf.

i was seeing the bosch ones on ebay for cheaper than the walrbo ones were going for. i think they even flowed more

walbro pumps > *

then you didnt’ read my post

they do.

and as far as quality/better pumps, i’d have to go w/ bosch over walbro anyday. there is a reason why so many lemans/road race crews have them, as well as most of the japanese tuners. look at any car mag w/ a done up car making nice hp numbers. unless it is a car that can take 1 255 in tank pump, most of the cars run the bosch 044 inline pumps. gotta remember, bosch has pumps that are made for oem apps that see 100 lbs of pressure and up due to being used for mechanial fuel injection.so they figured out a way to make them not burn up after prolonged use.

i could go on, but leaving it at that. not worth me being a spokemen etc. just explaining my preference for them.

Bosch > Warlbro … anyday of the week. I should buy stock in Warlbro… I have fucking gone through 2 or 3 of them already in 2 years and my car is basically never driven. My new setup will have tripple Bosch pumps.

my walbro has been fine so far :dunno:

just put the new one in…much quieter during prime but louder during normal operation…sure it will be coming out soon enough, luckily they take about 15 minutes through the access port in the trunk.

just for shits and giggles will you put a volt meter on the pump while the car is running…