Walbro Fuel Pumps Suck

all back together…sorry

u know walbros have internal lubrication problems and thats why they whine, right?

put a bottle of lucas oil fuel cleaner/lube in your tank.

Mother fuck me! Another one just burnt today! Any suggestions on problems that could be causing this would be appreciated. This one was about 2 months old and the car was sitting for the last week, and ran fine when i parked it. Went to take it out for a bit today and it wouldn’t start…fuel pump isn’t priming…again! I got AEM EMS, but none of the cars wiring is hacked…what could cause this?

is your tank usually more towards the full side or empty side?

full to 1/4

sorry to here that.

holy old thread i need to check up more…

just because your ass doesnt see the car doesnt mean it isnt being driven…