wana help mess with a scammer?????

8 to choose from in gardena

ahh fuck it once we find his address for sure its go time

yayyyyyy :satan:

wait though, if i were you id rather get 150 bucks back then send this idiot ass loads of female products

but as soon as you know your not getting the money its on

Is it possible to send cat shit via US mail?

:rofl the look on his face would be priceless

lmao yea i wana wait till the end of the week to hear back from him. then go to paypal and make a claim and all that BS even if i do get my money hes still getting shit for it fuck him

Ill send him free baby products, like breastfeeding pads, formula, diapers, coupons…oh parenting magazines, hehe if he has a gf it would be even funnier ! lol

so whats the real address

whats the link for him on ebay ? was it on ebay or somewheres else?

I recognize that last name but I can’t think of where, do you know if he uses his last name on any other forums that he’s on?

It’s not the guy from ClubRSX.

THATS IT!!! :rofl:rofl:rofl I HATE when I brainfart like that lol. I was just staring at my computer for like 2 minutes trying to figure out where I knew that name :rofl:rofl:rofl :retardclap:retardclap:retardclap

wait so hes on clubrsx too? i found out that he had this lip listed on socalprelude.com also for $60, and he gave the real condition of it. So i imagin he has a user name over there. i will contact some other people he has delt with on preludepower to see if they can give me the shipping address that he gave them. he’s also on HT i would think too. this is fun

i just sent 5 pms to the people hes delt with requesting information like address and anything else they may still have. I also sent him the thread from pp.com about the lip. no threats have been made on there but everyone is like wow fuck this guy ill help u find hime blahblah so maybe he will pee his pants a little lol


hahah GOOD GIRL doing her HW

Brian you have too much time on your hands :rofl

im in class rite now management information systems just searching anything i can about this clown lol. a guy already got back to me he said he just needs his name and he has all his info in his paypal account im waiting to hear back now

yea im in class too, business law. were havin a class discussion

whos the teacher leo??