Wanna setup a KOTS comp for next year..

ill sign up with emanuel. :nana

i used to work out with richie…hes a fuckin animal…

i’ll tag along

:umm :sad

then you get to pay 300 start up :lol cmon dont fuck me here lol

to go to best you gotta have a short brimed flourescent hat and a fanny pack.

when im ready to go gymming. ill let you know.

Nice, my pops has those!

:confused there are alot of big mofos there…not golds status, but some big dudes…and chicks :ohnoes :lol

ok im outta here, or else im not gettin up in the am :lol…Pz nignogs

you should go with all the stereotypical body building garb on. like the strongest man guys wear.

If anyone wants to lift and go for free let me know. Lifting by yourself kinda limits progress

Dude there are huge people at best

oh i beleive it. the gym i used to go to had a bunch of jar heads at it… oh brother. they are loose cannons.

Ive been to golds before, srs bzns there. deff some skanks at pf though

more like let me know. my schedule is open

I know, it’s great isn’t it!!! lol

skanks are good.

YES!! plenty to look at.

i go to the gym looking like rocky, hoodie, ands sweats and some beat up sneakers… im not getting the attention of said skanks.

you guys just wanna hustle the pr’s instead?