Want opinion on new car...

i vote Audi A8L W12 or the Lexus LS460L, either one is nice

I won’t have a payment, it will be bought and paid for.

Cuz I deserve it for what I went thru lol

big baller huh?? gonna spend 60-90k in pure CASH annnd you were just looking for another part time job… not my business but i figuted i’d my .02 in.

EDIT - No, no, no.

I didn’t know your age when I told you to waste money on a fast car.

If you know what you want to do for a living, buy a business NOW.

If you don’t have it figured out go to school and give it some thought. There’s NEGRO rich and there’s rich.

They are completely different things, blowing your money on a hot car when you are 23 is the former.

Owning ten cars and the garage to house them at 40 is the latter.

Have fun whatever you decide,


i’ll be glad too.

just beat my best mpg on the highway… 56.8MPG in my econobox vw golf.

Fuck both of the 1st 2 cars you posted.

Audi RS4 or IS-F all the way!! Look better, and go with your age bracket better. Now Im really gonna be inquiring about the anal!! :rofl

i know if i “came into money” or whatever you’re trying to insinuate i wouldnt be asking anyone here for opinions, especially on brand new cars. heavily modified used cars i would certain people who i know “specialize” in that segment, i’ve done it before and im still doing it, but this is almost more like a publicity stunt to me. i dunno.

oh and IS-F ftw. the only one of the above that ive driven, is a 113 car, ballin, great interior/exterior, and rides a SHIT load better than i expected for the handling it delivers.

Like I said I wasn’t looking for a part time job cuz I needed the money it was simply to accommodate my daughters school schedule.

No fucking way.


TDI will do that lol

yes. over 400miles 1/2 tank.

I paid for said tank of fuel. I can confirm.

No shit?

Sorry to doubt you, man. So why the fuck would anyone buy a Prius? I mean, a Golf’s a pretty cool car to drive.


yes. i fucking love the car. wouldn’t get any other car.

Wow I didn’t know I was getting a lambo or something expensive like that…the mercedes is about 10k more than a evo, so its not a publicity stunt. Funny I don’t recall cossey or anyone else with a nice car get shit for it. I’m only asking for a suggestion cuz I don’t know too much about either car.


baller, anyway you look at it!

i just dont see the point of asking ~100+ people with polar opposite views on cars opinions with no explanation of what made you choose those two cars, what you are looking for in this car, etc.

all i got out of this thread is “i have money now and im looking to spend it”

nothing against you or whatever just calling it like i see it.


Kramer’s just mad b/c hes stuck in an 80’s Mr2 :lol

If I were gonna buy a car I didnt know anything about, Id want opinions as well. Nothing wrong with that IMO trish…

no im not :lol
