Want opinion on new car...


How would you know whether or not I will ever have enough money to get that car??? I never said I “needed” the car, I believe I said I wanted it.
Why are people being ridiculous about this?? Its honestly pissing me off, Im not saying Im buying a 100k+ car, Im talking around 50k…which is affordable. Plus it is irrelevant because Im not asking for “spending” advice I want to know what cars you all like. Thanks. Keep this thread on topic or I will request that it be closed.:wtf

i officially call dibs first on driving the new Lexus after you buy it.

Might have to fight my Nicole :hug lmao! Im sure Nicole will be in for test drive !

no one said that cossey was stupid when he spent a shit ton on cars, if sh can afford it then let her do what she wants with her money. Not everyone is out for the same thing in life.

Thank you:bowdown

So you’re aware… the BMW 750 starts at 80K and the E63 started at 87K for the '09 model year, though the Lexus does start around 55K.

yes I eliminated those first two and settled on the 55k one, I like the lexus and it has everything Im looking for, now I just have to see it in person and drive it to make a final decision.

I will be first in line for the shit covered 100 dollar bills, thank you.

and get the ISF in black :slight_smile: