Want to earn some extra money with little to no effort?

As some of you guys may know, I work for Destination Nissan on Central Ave (we used to be Albany Dodge, but swapped inventories w/ Armory so we now have Nissan).

Because I am new to the business, I gladly appreciate any referrals which may help me build my clientele and, of course, make me some money.

So here’s my offer:

If ANYONE here sends a friend/family member/colleague/etc. to ME specifically at this dealership, and they buy a vehicle (new, used, CPO, doesn’t matter), I will pay YOU $100 straight cash. The dealership usually has a $50 referral program for people who’ve bought cars here before, but I’m offering this $100 regardless of if you’ve done business with us before. If you’ve done business with me specifically before (meaning bought a car), I will up that another $100 to make it a total of $200 for a referral. The only catches are that they have to see ME specifically, and either you call in advance to tell me they’re coming, or they tell me that you sent them.

I will gladly take care of anyone you send me, and have gotten excellent reviews so far from the clients I’ve sold vehicles to already.

ALSO, those of you who sell insurance, houses, whatever, I will also send clients to you in return. We get A LOT of people in here purchasing their first car in their name, and a lot of times, insurance is an after thought to them. I have already tried to help out Stallmer with this, but unfortunately the client wasn’t… optimal… so to speak. I have a binder at my desk with a laminated business card holder, so I’m trying to get cards from clients of mine, and from other business-types so we can have a giant referral circle pretty much.

That’s all for now.

pyramid scheme

We do have energy drinks as well, but they’re in a vending machine. And they’re Monster and Red Bull. Not some jumpoff shit.


just busting balls, sounds like a good deal. Pretty sure it’s the same title as that energy drink pyramid scheme thread that was on here…speaking of which those guys must be stacking serious paper by now

I’m about to retire bitches… :lol, jk. Made a little money, def needed more free time than I had available.

Cossey, I’ll def keep this in mind though!!

Do I get 100 dollars for referring myself to you if you track me down an altima late April or May haha?

I’ll take care of you man!

your used car selection sucks.

work on it.

how would you like a used 2005 Honda s2000 in the used inventory? I want a used gmc/chevy or tundry 07+, extended cab, 4x4

I’d love to have one on the lot. Can’t have ever been a salvage title though, in any state. If it’s clean title, low(er) mileage, and in good shape, we usually give pretty good trade values.

We have a pimpin 2012 Tundra Limited on lot right now w/ less than 8k on it, but it’s $40k.

I’ll let you know if we get anything in. We have an Avalanche that the previous owner modified a little bit (exhaust, K&N filter, wheels), but it’s also not too great on price though I know we can move on it.

pm’d you, it’s clean title 65k

i thought you had to be a piad sponser to list on shift about business?

Why are you even making this post??? Cossey contributes plenty to the forum and helps moderate it. It’s not like he is making a bunch of threads in the F/S section for cars on Destinations lot.


OP can suck an egg

it was just a question. it was not ment for you to take it the wrong way.

i like cossey and i never met him. i was just wondering

This was posted in the moderator section and approved long before it made it here to the public eye. Chris has done more for this forum than most and while it may be for ultimate sales for him in the long run it helps other members here as well. So yeah, it’s allowed.


Not to mention this deal is directly giving back to members.

Little known fact: Typically, because of lack of gross in a lot of vehicles we sell, we only get about $100 commission. Most income is through what we call “SPINS” and “SPIFS” which are manufacturer and dealer incentives, respectively. I’m merely trying to increase my client base, because referrals are huge for any business really.

So if there’s no SPIN or SPIF on a vehicle, I’d be LOSING money for each vehicle sold that is due to a referral.

I was actually thinking your nuts for giving a 100 a referral yesterday…

But then I realized your rich and probably buying the dealership in a few months when you learn the ins and outs.

The way I look at it is that’ll pay off in the future, depending on how long I stay in this business. A lot of the people I’ve sold to said they will never do business with anyone else (so take that with a grain of salt), so hopefully in a few years, I’ll be doing only referral stuff and not really worrying about people walking through the door and hustling like I do now. I don’t plan on buying the dealership (I think you think I’m a bit more baller than I am), but I’d like to work my way up, particularly as a finance manager.