Want to know why a city can go bankrupt?


unreal…The city of Vallejo is claiming to be on the verge of bankruptcy. How many fire fighters and cops need to earn over $200K much less $100K??? Ridiculous

I think Knoxeville is on the verge of it as well, I read an article where they invested in something that flopped, now they are cutting anything and everything out of the budget they can, I am going to try to find the article

Erie County came damn close. So did the city of Buffalo.

Wish Erie County, Buffalo, and the WHOLE DAMN state would do that… instead of funding every pet project anyone can think of…

Speaking of New York State…


^ Ha. In NY budget speak as long as the increase you’re giving a department this year isn’t as big as the increase you gave them last year, that’s considered a “cut”.

ex, you give highways a 10% budget increase last year, and only and 8% increase this year, NY politicians will call that a 2% budget cut. :bloated:

1 Joann West Police Department $435,638

umm wtf