Want your piece of the bailout?

so wait…you would actually go to a dealer and test drive a truck for $50 with no intentions of buying?


And :lol: at the people saying they won’t do it because of moral objections.

  1. I didn’t want the government to hand out all these tax dollars to reward stupid companies for making stupid decisions.

  2. Paying someone $50 to test drive a truck is stupid, especially a full sized Ram that is the exact vehicle we need less people driving. Did we all forget about $4 gas already?

  3. If Chrysler is dumb enough to not have a better fraud prevention system on the program than this you bet I’m going to grab my $50, because I’m just going to be watching my tax dollars get funneled to them in a month or so anyway.

It’s still fucking trashy to go test drive it with NO intentions of buying a new vehicle, let alone that truck.

Sorry you’re super trashy bro. It must suck to be so poor that 50 bucks is this important to stoop so low.

EDIT: cmon, JayS, i figure you’re better than this.

Says the guy who wanted to save a little money by hiding the fact that his air bag system didn’t work when trading in his car, putting the next buyer at serious risk, at the same time he had a thread about which $50k car to buy.

What’s that old saying about the guy in a glass house throwing stones?

haahaa yup so poor to slap away $50. If some dumbass company wants to hand out $50 why not take it? Sorry I dont have money falling out my ass to go by uber cars like yourself. I’m sure to be thinking how bad off I have it when dodge is buying my next drink.


Oh, you mean the guy who put a little thought into it and decided that it was a poor moral decision? :gotme:

was the forum you got this off of some sort of welfare forum? Because that would make all sorts of sense…

You mean once you found the part for $75, instead of $500?

Wonder where your moral compass would have lead you if it would have cost you the $500. Guess we’ll never know.

wow you are full of retarded quotes arent you. Bet your pappy’d be proud.

Lol. He is really proud of me.

He didn’t raise a scumbag.

Your dad’s probably dead tho or something. Big Bummer. Srry abt ur loss.

:picard: This is why we can’t

Aw fuck it.

Stop being assholes.

Yea another brilliant display of your stupidity.

srry, newman…but didn’t you post this?


glass houses and all.

HAHAHAHA I like when newman is shown to be the worthless ass that he is

How soon people forget. He’ll probably say he was joking.

LOL. Do you REALLY think that i would do something like that? Really?

Finding loopholes is interesting. Exploiting them is not.

Aren’t you super poor or ugly or something? I seem to recall someone telling me something really funny about you, but for the life of me can’t recall what it is… Was it that you’re a fake cop or something. Whatever it was, I’m lolling over here.

As if that comment wasnt telegraphed

Always gotta follow a dig with another dig.


lots of false here.

about the only thing that is possibly true, I mean there are some funny stories about me out there
