Want your piece of the bailout?

idk you. all i know is you have a new used hot car (that I want to make babies with), are good with CAD, and have a driveway that is dire need of repair.

what you do for beer money, i really have no idea.


Who are you to call people scum, or any other derogatory term. To each their own. If a company is stupid enough to leave such a colossal loop hole, then fuck them. America is on a downward spiral; as far as I am concerned…well I am not. I am only concerned about myself. Perhaps this is the attitude that got our country where it is, but I am not an analyst of any type to make such allegations. I am sure this $50 scandal is happening on a much larger scale than anyone is aware of. $50 is $50, whether you find it in a street gutter or fill out a form. After all it is our money is it not?

Sorry, the 2009 Dodge Ram 1500 Test Drive Offer has ended.
If you have questions, contact a Dodge representative by calling 800-4ADODGE
seven days a week, 8 a.m. to 12 a.m. EST. Thank you.

Now Newman can STFU

If it walks like a duck…

gl w/ that

Agree, we’re in this situation because of those who take advantage at anothers expense.


did anyone get the card???

god you people SUCK

I lost respect for several Speeder’s after reading this.

Is $50 even a lot of money?

$50 is a lot of money to me, but not so much that I’d cheat a failing company who just wants me to take a look at their product out of it.

So who’s life is changed by the $50 check?

i should have written a letter to dodge letting them know about the loophole and asked for a reward 0f >$50

lol @ this thread

Still waiting for a response Jay about guys like me causing the downfall of the world or whatever. Where’d you go in that thread big guy?

i only read the first page…
but, i agree with newman here

you guys better not bitch about the economy doing something like this…
pretty low

So who wouldn’t go test drive a new evo or sti or any other affordable car without buying it. I would. I guess its different though, theres no $50 prize for doing it, just the chance to beat on a car for a bit.

good input :picard:

Only people in glass houses should throw stones, provided they are trapped in the house with a stone. It’s a little longer, but yeah

wow, a subtlely disguised v.NYSPEED lesson in ethics… who would have thought.

So nobody got the money then :gotme:, good.

I sure haven’t, and prolly won’t. I knew it was just a little too easy. lol