Want your piece of the bailout?

Bump… Seeing the thread about Airborne reminded me of this. I did a quick search and I guess people are being told that due to the overwhelming response they aren’t being mailed until mid May, but will be sent out.

Probably just stalling to see if Chrysler goes bankrupt before they have to mail them. :slight_smile:

my injectors are 300$, 50 bux yes please

I got my $50 card…

lol :tup:

I am shocked that they would have sent any out.

Aside from those that did it for the money, I wonder if it actually helped the marketing any?

Has dodge taken any bailout money?

wtf I didn’t get shit lol.

Did you read what I posted? They’re saying they won’t be mailed until mid May.

This is what he read.

I know. I was refering to the people who had already gotten one. My response was sarcastic. Don’t mind me. I just got home from work an I’m exhausted.

i didnt fill this out, i felt bad doing it. but you bet your ass i filled out the airbourne one. i actually bought that shit

pos domestic cars? nah i dont buy that shit :lol:

i bet they dont send them out at all and this is just a ploy to waste more time to let more poeple forget about this.


word x2. lol And if you’re black well… you know