Car Scam: So Easy It's Scary


Idiots should have asked for a receipt or registration or something.

yeah saw that on break earlier today… really an eye opener

this should be posted in that quick money thread

lol i wonder how many people are trying this right now.

video wont work for me

lol wow thats fucked. very smart though

Heh, clever.

Lets all get together and make some money…

been there done that

haha thats jokes

if your dumb enough it will happen to you

theres better ways to make way more way faster then that without any costs whatsoever , thats for sure…

that was soo saddening that i turned it off after the 1st lady got jipped.

Yeah…but don’t you have to find an empty garage in a house that isn’t yours? What are the chances of you being able to find one without being discovered by the owner of the house or most likely, their neighbours?

You fall for that shit you are a dumb ass and deserve it. At that price I would not show any more interest other than showing up to see the car. Then DEMAND to see history of the vehicle etc etc.

Dumb fucks

I definitely agree with what you’re saying but the thing about money is that it’s very powerful.

Sometimes, things are just so cheap that you don’t even think about anything else and you guys just suckered in.

yaa who the hell says “its to good to be true” when looking at a good deal on a car?

if you’re dumb, you’re going to get robbed.
this scam is even better then the guy rolling up on you in the canadian tire parking lot and asking if you want to buy some speakers.

And I back you up on that as well! Yet, you should always sit down and consider what’s going on. I know, myself…that I would question why the price is so cheap. Thus, I would also be very weary about giving even any information of mine to them.

But hey, proves there are vulnerable people…

Feel like renting a car Mark?:wink:

haha let’s do it. :slight_smile:

But yeah, everytime there’s a scam, time is always involved. And people’s greed of “someone else might get this deal if I don’t get it now” is what makes them bite into the scam.

But seriously, if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

No one does anything for free. There’s really not such thing as an honest person these days. People only care about themselves.

Agreed, 100%.

Yet, this was in the states. Here in Canada…we are not that bad!

With the exception of a select few.

Very true, but once in a blue moon, there is a person who will let somethings go for practically nothing. It’s up to whoever is interested to take that chance.

And thats the way the cookie crumbles. :rolleyes: