Wanted: Phone w/ GPS, Qwerty, Intranets

Just like it says. Looking for a GSM phone that has GPS (google maps), full qwerty keyboard, real intranets (just like the iPhone commercial mom), and lovely email, phone etc.

I’m on AT&T and was thinking about the BJ. I like the small size for what you get. I HATE big bulky phones (see Treo, etc).

Are there any BBs that fit this description?

Looking for something that is a great phone, and a good email/internet device. Likely won’t have much need for 3rd party aps, but you never know.

not interested in the iphone?

BJ does not have GPS, plus its a fucking hunk of shit after 6 months

honestly… if you’re on at&t, I would seriously consider the iPhone.

pretty much, with the exception of real GPS (at&t bounces a signal off their towers to form a location opposed to a real GPS unit) it does everything you listed.

this is coming from someone who despises apple… but they got a winner IMO. Possibly the best phone I’ve ever owned (it especially rocks with WiFi)

yea… iphone, imo, bb curve with a close second though


BJ does not have GPS, plus its a fucking hunk of shit after 6 months


Exactly. Its a business phone primarily, but I decided it would be nice to have GPS, hence looking for something else.


honestly… if you’re on at&t, I would seriously consider the iPhone.

pretty much, with the exception of real GPS (at&t bounces a signal off their towers to form a location opposed to a real GPS unit) it does everything you listed.

this is coming from someone who despises apple… but they got a winner IMO. Possibly the best phone I’ve ever owned (it especially rocks with WiFi)


No exchange support yet. Any updates on that? iPhone 2.0? I like it other than that though.


yea… iphone, imo, bb curve with a close second though


I didn’t think the curve was GSM, but like usualy, I was wrong. Looks nice, differences between it and the 8830? Whats the internet like, I’ve had a Pearl and that “mobile” web crap sucks a donkey.

someone who will remain nameless suggested this:


however that seems a bit big to me but it is badass.

:tup: maybe this could help ya? I don’t use it for business so I have no real experience with it.



No exchange support yet. Any updates on that? iPhone 2.0? I like it other than that though.


i didn’t read anything but when I was in the apple store playing with one it looked like it had support for exchange. I was even going to set my mail up on it but I didn’t want my info saved anywhere on the stores phone :stuck_out_tongue:

edit: also if they have the 8830, i’d recommend that as well, was a very nice phone.

The iphone WILL work with Exchange for just email using IMAP. No calendar, etc support yet, AFAIK.

No Calendar is a problemo.

i love my blackjack, but having to use bluetooth GPS joint is kinda lame.


i love my blackjack, but having to use bluetooth GPS joint is kinda lame.


how long have you had it, and have you had to reformat it yet?

trust me you will. Its a pain, and then there is this whole random date issue, it changes the date to sometime in the future when its updating information from the tower and when you receive anything during that time it completely fucks with the phone

you can only sync with two computers

battery life is not that great, the extended battery is great but adds bulk

screen scratches extremely easy

likes to pop up with random errors when in your pocket.

as mentioned, with the exception of true gps, the iPhone seems to meet all your requirements. You can set up exchange, I have it set up on mine for work. I’m not an apple person, but this phone is seriously gorgeous. As you said true mobile Internet is awesome. I’m posting from my phone now.

Edit: the only thing i dont like so far is the battery life. Maybe im not used to having a smart phone, but it seems like im constantly needing to charge it

I have the Nokia E90. It has EVERYTHING and works amazing. And IMO it’s size isn’t bad at all. It’s not bulky and is very solid with very little plastic. It even supports blackberry connect.

If you’re considering an HTC, you might as well look at Nokia. Symbian > Windows Mobile IMO. Read: http://my-symbian.com/s60v3/review_e90.php


Josh, what is the Internet like on that? Is it crappy mobile Internet, or is it like the iPhone?


Josh, what is the Internet like on that? Is it crappy mobile Internet, or is it like the iPhone?


Better than the iphone IMO. The screen has such a high resolution and ia so wide that you never need to zoom, slide or flip the screen like you would on the iphone. Just scroll up and down. Every page renders exactly like it would on a computer.

The built in browser is based off of Safari actually. But if it’s not your thing, there are plenty of 3rd party options.








Dell Business was selling it off their website the cheapest out of everyone, but looks like they took it down.