Warning show car owners

Hey, guys.

I work at Terrace Gate Acura, and the pass two weeks, we have recieved over 7 Acura branded models in with stolen decks, subs and amps. 7 of these car owners are all tamils and philipino’s (i mention that cause they tend to show off a lot). I’m here to give you guys a warning to park your cars in your garage and have a good anti theft system in your vehicles. After reading the integra forum thread where the guy chased down the people trying to take his car. He said he found a hit list which includes address, what is worth what, whats in the car, whats outside of the car…etc etc. It could be the same peoples doing all this work since i live in scarborough, and some of the cars that came in range from sauga to east end of scarborough. So be very careful guys if you have expensive shit in your cars. I already handed out several warnings to acura owners when i give their cars back after service. And most of them had people come up to ask if the stranger can take a look at the sub and deck. So Show car owners, ricers with expensive speaker systems. Be very cautious.
that is all.

im not affected by this because my cars suck but thanks for the heads up

just as long as you know your car sucks, thats all that matters lol…jks