Warning to anyone using XCopper

Hey guys,

The CBC is reporting that XCopper is bankrupt, leaving about six to seven thousand cases in the lurch. Basically, if you don’t show up for your court date, you are deemed to not dispute it. Tada, conviction.


I don’t know anyone who uses these guys, but I figure somebody on the forums might still use these guys.

Word of advice to anyone using legal aid like this… Don’t. They’ll never care enough to actually fight your case, to them a win is a reduction, which is automatically offered to anyone and everyone. These people make such easy money to do nothing, so stop giving them yours.

They worked great for me a couple years back…

You actually got the ticket dropped? The guy I saw in court was not even attempting anything of the sort, he just took all the settlements.


just go fight the tickets yourself

all lawyers usually do is ask for no points, which anyone can do.

^They don’t even need to ask, prosecutor offers it to everyone before the trial takes place, as you’re checking into the courtroom.

If anyone needs someone let me know. Cost me 600 dollars but I got everything dropped. I am sure there are a few on here with pending cases.



I don’t know what traffic courts you guys have been too… but unless its something retarded like a muffler ticker or a simple low point speeding ticket they don’t just OFFER you no points… thats laughable.

Xcopper dropped all my points (would have been 3) and had the fine reduced by $150. So it cost me $600 instead of $350 but then I had no points.

I tried hwy-law after xcopper for my next ticket… and they suck balls… and didn’t do anything for me but take my money.

So in short it all depends on who you end up with as a rep.

I got a 130 in a 100, it’s 2 or 3 points and they automatically offered me, and everyone else in the courtroom that was waiting in line with me a 15 over which is like a $60 fine and no points. Maybe it also depends on the prosecutor, but this one offered EVERYONE the deal.

My first ticket I got was a red light ticket, got it dropped with Ontario Traffic Tickets (awesome! they actually care!)

I got screwed the fuck out on my first speeding ticket as they didnt do jack fuck shit for me ‘toronto traffic tickets’ I hope they get cursed bankrupt and out of life.

I recommend OTT. I curse TTT haha

Antonio is right.

it costs at least $500 per ticket to process it through the courts. Your first visit should be an automatic reduction.

if you are not a total douche you will get a reduction just by asking.

i had dangerous driving and no insurance dropped to 129 over speeding and thats it… k thanks bye.

i was offered 130 over, i said no… 129. she said she couldnt, i said yeah you can.


i used X-coppers for 200km/h on the 407… i was looking at 6points and $1000 … i paid x-coppers $750!!!

i was convicted with 180km/h and $750 fine! they reduced it 20km/h and they called it a win! my wish came true!! im glad they’re no longer in business!!

Sounds like you got to keep your license because of them…

thats a 4 pointer

^ Even better, the prosecutor dropped all the points without even me having to ask. It’s really easy, if you have the time to, you should all fight your own tickets.

they’ll do that, if you have a nice clean record…

if you have other previous offences, they usually won’t, at least in my experience

I got a ticket for an ‘unsafe’ left turn…2 points plus $110 ticket. I went to court fought it myself. Took an hour to make my case but I got it dropped in the end.

Mmm… that could be the case, I have no other offences on record or anything like that. But she didn’t seem to be checking, and kinda offered to everyone. It’s also possible I had an easy prosecutor… Either way, I was very dissapointed in the one traffic lawyer that was there, very easy money he made.