x police

anyone have any experience with these guys? i was talking to melissa irvine about my stunt driving ticket, and i’m thinking about going with them for sure, but i just want to know if anyone’s had experience with them before i send off my hard earned money, thanks.

FUCK them!

Had them fight a speeding ticket for me in Madoc (I live in Brampton)
On the phone they made it seem like I had an amazing shot at getting the ticket dropped due to the circumstances. (115 in an 80 - 35 over, 4 points)

Well, I ended up with 3 points a fine, had to pay them obviously.

Honestly, fuck them. I have been using STOPP here in Brampton for years. Got a careless almost completely dropped. Tons of muffler/noise tickets (when I decide to fight them rather than pay)

But…your no where near Brampton lol.

All in all, fuck X Coppers. They can suck my fuckin balls.

Sorry for the offensive language…I just truly hate those cock suckers.

hey man, this is why i ask the questions for, and believe me, language won’t offend me, i’ve been working construction most of my life, lol. can stopp do everything over the phone?

hey chris wheres stopp?

You could call them and ask? I’m not sure if they would or not.

I’m gonna look up the number right now.

Andrew, they are by the Mandarin on Queen. Or where the Mandarin used to be. Beside John Logan.

OTT = good and got rid of a ticket for me and my dad. Actual cops

TTT = lil office in downtown high rise and thieves – screwed me over. Not police just paralegals.

My latest exhaust ticket though Im fighting myself

I had Tony (current owner of x-copper) go to court for me last month and all 9 of my tickets were dropped.

Don’t waste your time with OTT, x-copper type BS. These guys are paralegals who 9 times out of 10 only bother to get your ticket reduced. The cases they outright win are a result of the cop not showing up which happens a lot with Metro officers. This is something you can do yourself simply by showing up to court. Trust me I’ve wasted money on these bozo’s before.

If you want results get a Lawyer. It cost’s more, but for a Stunt driving charge I wouldn’t put my trust/money in these guys’ hands imho.

x copper is gay. Didn’t do shit for my ticket. Waste of money IMO.

OTT won my case and they are actual ex cops… HOWEVER I would totally agree with you on this one… with a serious ticket like that I wouldn’t want anything less than a lawyer…

I agree.

just get a lawyer…

I recently was up against… stunt/speeding/careless


got a lawyer and I’m getting off with careless and 12 month limited driving.

I consider myself lucky because it could of been way worse. I learned my lesson. Driving is a privilage, I can’t do shit without my car.

X coppers tried fucking me over and wanted a deposit before they started my case. I told them to fuck off and went to another lawfirm which I paid once i WON the case.

X coppers are a bunch of pussies.