Warning to Members!!

Just a warning to all that might do business with “NissanGTR.”

I agreed on purchasing a complete subframe from him and pickup was set for a sunday. We agreed that $220 was good since I had to dump the thing and only wanted LSD. So I organized having my buddy pull it his Maxima and trailer and stripping it wayne’s place. So, Sunday comes I call him, he tells me his friends shop is closed and thats where it is. He said its always closed sundays. I wasn’t angry, he made a mistake. So, I told him I’d let him know tomorrow when another good day will be.

So, the next day I procees to write him a message on MSN, saying I will pick it up Friday evening around 6. He sends me messages from some member of our club. Enclosed in these messages was a purchase price of $250 and I’ll pick it up ASAP written by this certain member. I was like WTF is this? I call the guy and ask him whats going on? He says this guy will give him 250 and I’m only offering 220. Insulted I tell him to sell it to the other guy.

We’ll, few days pass, and he sends me a message saying the guy will not be picking up for 2 weeks; would I still be interested. I said sure, but I was still kind of ticker. Being hard up for an LSD I said ok. So, I organize for pickup once again for that Friday. I call him Friday afternoon, no answer. He calls me back around 6 saying that the shop closed early today, could I come tomorrow. At this point I was getting pissed. I told him, that I have organized pickup three times, my buddy rushed home from work early to help me out. I then proceeded to explain I was not going to do this again, and left it at that.

Now, Today he drops me a message on MSN and asks me where I got my LSD. I told him a buddy has had for sale for a month. I calls me a “fuck face” for backing out at the last minute, but luckly the other person picked it up. So apparently couple days after I was suppose to pick it up, this certain club member picked it up.

In my eyes he was going to sell that subframe to the other guy all along.

I would appreciate if noone does business with him, he likes to dick people around and I don’t want anyone to go through what I did.

He has a complete SR20DET with all extras for sale, and some other misc parts of his totalled 93 S13.

I don’t like to dig crap up on people, but when he starting insulting me over MSN and trying to get in a heated conversation I was not impressed but is business conduct. It stinks!!

Furthermore, I have no problem with the person who purchased it.

Anyway, this is a warning to all, I hope it is taken seriously.

I appologize if there were any grammer errors, I wrote this quickly.



well my buddy bought the sub frame today from nissangtr, but after gettingthe same treatment as you. he was told it was his then it was sold for cheaper and then gets an email two days ago saying that the other guy couldnt make up his mind. so he went today and got it.

Now ive had the same kinda shit when he was trying to sell his car stuff. I made offers on his stuff and i thought was alomst too much on some stuff, and he would email me and tell me im an idiot for offering him what i did, example he was selling an axexi n1 dual that was damaged, i offerd him 450 for it (knowing that i could get a new one shipped to my door for 575) and i get an email tellin me to fuck off and stop waistin his time.

im not goin to get into all the details but, ill go out of my way to not deal with this guy , i even told my buddy not to do buisness with him after the shit he pulled earlier, but he was in need of the sub-frame as well as the lsd.


He was playing with us both eh. I would have liked to have know that at the time.

Man, some people. I wasted 3 days of my time and my buddies time. And looks like he wasted you buddies time too.

I hope he does not try to sell that SR on here again.

i wish ppl like that would just go away, but if they did we would have nothing to complain about , but i still dont like him


Once again, we need a buyer / seller, shop awareness review section.

feel free to post up your complaints in his future for sale threads…

Don’t do that, Andrew. I’m hoping Iqua will make a section for reviews and then your voice will be heard. Or you want i should send my goons over to his place?

motion to ban Jesse for ruining this thread

Don’t do that, Andrew. I’m hoping Iqua will make a section for reviews and then your voice will be heard. Or you want i should send my goons over to his place?[/quote]
send the goons :stuck_out_tongue:
But I hope andrew starts something like that, would be good. Even maybe a sticky in buy/sell.

I dunno how much I can contribute to this thread directly but anywho…

I’m somewhat guilty of my last F/S. Just want to clear things up so
people have no hard feelings or feel mis-trust with me if they decide to
do ‘business’ with me.

Anywho, for those that remmeber, I had my Enkei rims for sale for like
$1200 or something. Well I slowly lowered the price as time went by,
and it sat at like $1100 or $1000 (I forget)…

Well i think it was pearls13 or whatever, that msged me about it and I
told him he can actualy take the rims the next week for $900. But then I
had second thoughts and I e-mailed him right away the next day or
whatever apologizing and stuff. I eventually sold it to another club
member for $1000 (in no way was there a higher bidder while I was
dealing with pearls13)…

So anyways, I watch the Classifieds a lot so I’ll keep an eye out on NissanGTR.
